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Резюме от 24 апреля 2023 Файл


System administrator

26 лет
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SOFTICO (Engineer,presale

( May 2022 - now )


• Maintenance Windows, Unix workstations, bare metal
servers (hypervisor VmWare Esxi)

- Azure AD(global administrator) + Intune
- Troubleshooting, configure Mikrotik
- MS Exchange
- Acronis Server
a)Data loss prevention(Device Lock)
b)Cyber protect(Protect and Backup)
- Senhasegura (All in one)
- Jira, Confluence (ubuntu/debian)

Telegram Email L inkedln Facebook Contact number
• My Responsibilities:
- L2 support for departments users in company ussually using
Intune or TV(Tensor). Presale, deployment and set up servers on INTERESTS
cloud or on hardware(bare metal). Deployment POC
Senhasegura : - films
- Privileged Access Management( PAM Core Certification - rock'n'roll
Deployment, PAM Core Certification Access Control). Deployment, - drawing, articles
configure and troubleshooting.
- Acronis on cloud/premise(Engineer certificates for Cyber Protect, - basketball
Data Loss Prevention). Deployment, configure and troubleshooting. - ABOUT ME
- , Logsign SIEM/SOAR on cloud/premise(Engineer certificates).
Deployment, configure and troubleshooting. in a few words:
You won't get bored with me.
- I took the position of engineer during a difficult period in our If a little more:
department. Maintenance over most of the vendors and I am the
head engineer, currently the only one responsible for 4 products (all Purposeful, sociable, I like to work in a friendly team, I do my work well
other engineers have 2 vendors). Together with new employees, (there should be 5 stars here...
created and approved with management (owners of the company) a and here they are #!/bin/bash seq -s "*" 5). Ambitious, proactive and
system of bonuses for the department. creative.
Dnipro-M (system SKILLS
(January - November 2021)
 Linux (maintenance)
 Macos(maintenance)
Responsibilities:  Windows (maintenance)
 Bash
• Provided internal technical support to users (employees). Worked
with programs 1C, DameWare, VmWare(vSphere).  Git
• Administrator  Docker
- Windows(r2012,2019,10).  VMware (ESXI)
- AD(on premise), GPO.  AWS(SES,EC2,Route53,directories,S3 bucket)
- Troubleshooting, configure Mikrotik  Good technical and analytical skills
 Knowledge of languages: average level of English, Ukrainian and
- Webmorth(printer server)
Russian languages of the native speaker.
- Administrator Exchange on promise (install, ,set up  Successful learning experience of students.
OWA,POP,IMAP, configuring SMTP, DNS records, create Sender
Policy Framework(SPF)) EDUCATION
- My Responsibilities: Master's degree in applied physics (Kyiv National University
named after Taras Shevchenko)
• L3 support for departments users in company usually using RDP
• Faculty of Radiophysics, Electronics and Computer Systems
connection. Monitoring system in Zabbix(routers, servers, 2015-2020.
Successful completion of the Networking Essentials course at
Graphic designer / 2d artist (freelance)
the Cisco Networking Academy (2020)
(2017 - 2020)
• Parimatch TECH Academy, DevOps ( november 2021
Work on freelance orders, reproduction/creation of logos, banners, - 2022 february)
external and internal advertising according to sizes, creatives, layouts FREELANCE
My Responsibilities :
for sites. Animation of 2D models.
- Configure server/instance for apps,db storages
STUDENT YEARS - git control versions
- configure server apache , nginx proxy server
- deploy frontend and backend
• Driver - protect Unix servers( ports, ufw, auth,htpasswd,htaccess)
- cron
• Head of the group in the company (genesis.amz) December 2017 - - daemon
- Usually write bash scripts , but I started learning рython, so
September 2018.
use it in some projects
Leadsdoit (sysadmin /jun devops)

(November 2021 - March 2022)


•Administrator for MacOS, Linux(Ubuntu/

•Maintenance, configuring instances(GCP - free
dadicated servers,AWS)

- Google Workspace

•Set up demo stand VoIP server :
-Asterisk 18 (utils checkinstall, configuring devices
(Android and Windows in localhost)
-dump analysis using Wireshark

•Onboarding/offboarding of employees (technical training,
access settings)

•Keeping records of equipment

Administrator Jira system and also in Trello, provided internal
user support, offered his solutions in administration and onboarding of
new employees (regarding technology and data
security). Conducted a complete inventory of all PCs, Windows
laptops, Macos and other miscellaneous equipment. Working with Big
brother (control and access system). I was engaged in testing and
troubleshooting equipment. There were also many other tasks, such
as creating an internal server for IP telephony based on Asterisk
on the Debian .

Другие резюме этого кандидата

Похожие кандидаты

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15000 грн, Удаленно, Дрогобыч , еще 2 города

Programmer PHP, Unix Administrator (IP-BPX)
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