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Резюме от 11 мая 2024 Файл


Спеціаліст з маркетингу

20 лет
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Full name: Sofiia Fedorenko
Address: Ukraine, Kyiv
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Telegram: @ya_apocalypse
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Experienced merketer specializing in Facebook, TikTok, and Google advertising, with expertise in campaign setup, performance analysis, and cost optimization. Proficient in using Voluum platform, conducting market and competitor analysis, and collaborating with cross-functional teams. Previous roles include data entry specialist in technical equipment field, demonstrating strong organizational skills. Possesses hard skills in Google Analytics, Ads, Ecommerce, and affiliate marketing, complemented by soft skills such as adaptability, stress resistance, and teamwork. Currently pursuing a degree in economics and continuously enhancing skills through courses in digital marketing, Google Analytics, and language studies.

09/2022 - currently studying at Taras Shevchenko University (Kyiv, Ukraine), Faculty of Economics
Specialty: economics
Field of study: business economics
Study period: 2022-2026


08/2023-03/2024 – marketer/media buyer in the arbitration team (Fb, Tik-Tok)
Main responsibilities:
Working with Voluum platform to set up and maintain product distribution campaigns;
-Analyzing CPA and CPC traffic performance and looking for opportunities to optimize user acquisition costs and volume;
-Preparing daily, weekly and monthly reports and control of timely settlements with partners and advertisers;
-Market and competitor analysis and looking for new references from competitor materials;
-Close cooperation with Project Manager and Designer to formulate new hypotheses for landing page A/B tests to increase conversion.

05/2022-08/2023 – marketer/media buyer in the arbitration team (Google)
Main responsibilities:
-Adjustment and launch of advertising campaigns,
-Search for new connections,
- Work with the following GEOs: Turkey, Brazil, Poland, Canada, Kazakhstan
- Analysis of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and their optimization,
- Attending arbitration events for networking.

09/2021-02/2022 - company data entry specialist (technical equipment field, USA, New York)
Main responsibilities:
- Collection and digitization of data such as invoices, canceled invoices, customer information and financial statements.
- Support for a detailed and organized data storage system.
- Storage of data such as invoices, inventory checklists, financial documents.
Understanding of Google Analytics and Google Ads algorithms; knowledge of Ecommerce and digital marketing;understanding of the basics of affiliate marketing and the CPA sphere; PC proficiency at a confident level; knowledge of English at B2+

Ability to quickly adapt; stress resistance; courage and perseverance; ability to make decisions and responsibility; ability to self-motivate; the ability to work in a team; knowledge of English at B2+

Having a driver’s license
08/2022 – 10/2022 completion of the Digital marketing and E-commerce course. Received the certificate Coursera | Online Courses & Credentials From Top Educators. Join for Free | Coursera
10/2022 - completed the Google analytics course and received a certificate https://skillshop.exceedlms.com/student/award/aZJTVfNRCwoy2U4PZxvcziPq
09/2019-05/2020 – acting courses
02/2019 – currently - taking the English course “Speaking in English Sphere”

Ukrainian – C2 Russian – C2 English– B2+ French – A2

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