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Резюме от 1 апреля 2024 PRO


General QA engineer (ISTQB certified), 72 000 грн

Полная занятость, неполная занятость.
39 лет

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Соискатель указал телефон , эл. почту и LinkedIn.

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Опыт работы

QA engineer (ISTQB certified)

с 09.2022 по наст. время (1 год 9 месяцев)
PerfectWeb studio, Київ (IT)

Working in various domains such as logistics, online booking, online catalogues, etc required different context dependent approaches. Some essential activities:
-Analyzing the Requirements’ Documentation
- Working with version control system (Git)
- Functional, non-functional and E2E RESTApi testing manually and automated (Postman)
- Working with relational DB and writing SQL queries
- Basic automation UI testing(Selenium)
- Design docs such as Test cases / Checklists
- Sanity/Smoke/Regression testing
- Bug reporting and analysis

Business analyst/Software tester

с 07.2014 по 01.2022 (7 лет 6 месяцев)
Questgames, Київ (IT)

Project: Web Application for escaperooms booking
- Preparation and analysis of requirements for the development team:
designing booking API, creating client's widget, multi-factor ranking system etc
- Communication with SEO team to improve optimization
- Functional and non-Functional(Usability/GUI/Installation) testing;
- Sanity/Smoke/Regression testing
- Reproduced customers’ issues
- Development held under Kanban model;
- Tracking and reporting bugs(Trello, Jira)
- Performing administrative activities( setting up call-center, recruiting new team-members, onboarding etc)
- Tracking main indicators such as ROI and ROMI to perform control actions for marketing activities
- Together with the team was responsible for developing an idea, adopting the game engine and launch of B2B online-quest games


Kyiv Politechnical University

Chemical Engineering Faculty, Technological Processes Automation, Kyiv
Высшее, с 2005 по 2009 (4 года)

Дополнительное образование и сертификаты

ISTQB FL Certificate


ISTQB ATFL Agile tester Certificate


Postman Dynamic API testing Course

2 months

Знание языков

  • Английский — продвинутый
  • Украинский — свободно
  • Нидерландский — начинающий

Дополнительная информация

Hi, everyone. I am a committed and value-driven engineer with excellent interpersonal skills along with advanced English qualification.

Have proficient knowledge in SDLC, STLC, test design, test execution and other fundamental testing activities that are validated with ISQTB FL certification.

Technical skills:
- Knowledge of web technologies(HTML, CSS)
- Applying Black Box and Experience-based techniques for test design.
- Performing Sanity/Smoke/Regression testing
- Maintaining testing documentation (Jira, Confluence, Testrail)
- Bug tracking (Zephyr, Testrail)
- Analysing requirements documentation
- Experienced with client's side testing tools(Chrome DevTools nd add-ons)
- Performance testing(JMeter, K6) - basic level
- Version control and Code review systems: Git, GitHub
- Working and composing queries for relational DB ( (MySQL Workbench, IntelliJ IDEA DataBase extension)
- Entry-level UI automation testing: C#+Selenium;
- Codeless automation: Selenium IDE;
- RESTAPI testing manual and automated: Postman + Newman CLI, integration with Jenkins, Swagger

Was always recognized by teammates as a reliable, algorithm-thinking person, who cares not only about work, but has an empathy to people around.

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