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Резюме от 26 мая 2024 Файл


Front-end разработчик (React, TypeScript)

27 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Другие страны, Киев, Львов, Николаев, Одесса

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D m i t r y Kurgan
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Front End / React/
Mykolaiv, Ukraine

https://dmitriykurgan.github.io/Portfolio/ Power BI
https://www.codewars/DmitryKurgan PROFILE INFO
Hi all, my name is Dmitry Kurgan. I am Front End developer with 4 years of
commercial development experience. I work with React + Typescript tools,
SKILLS create SPAs of different level of complexity. I have experience with AI
(audio tracks, audiograms, denoising, biometrics, voice cloning, etc).
React, Next Js
I consider working remotely. I speak English at the level of Upper
Redux/Redux Toolkit / RTK Query Intermediate and constantly improving it with tutoring. I plan to eventually
Redux-Thunk, Redux Saga reach the level of a native speaker.

Javascript / Typescript
REST API (Axios / Fetch), GraphQL
Formik / React Hook Form
Git, GitHub, GitLab, GitBucket, CI/CD
2023 may - till now
HTML, CSS, SCSS, MUI, ANT Design Worked on implementation of new features in 2 large MS Power BI based financial
Adaptive layout, Styled Components applications. Optimized work with formulas and performance
i18next Added new options for working with diagrams using Syncfusion library. Worked on a

TDD, UNIT TEST, JEST, STORYBOOK large-scale conditional formatting option for all UI elements using React
Created an entire Accessibility section for a large project. This enabled keyboard
Enzyme, Cypress, React Testing Library
navigation through each interactive element. Integrated additional AI widgets into the
Node Js, Express
project and adapted the extension for visually impaired people
Firebase, Magic Link, MongoDB
Babylon Voice
Vite, Webpack, Babel, ESLint, Prettier
2022 nov - 2023 apr
AWS, Heroku, Vercel, GH Pages
Designed and implemented conversational interfaces using React and natural
Websockets, Rest API, Axios, Swagger,
language processing (NLP) for an AI-based voice processing platform.
MetaMask, Web3.0, Blockchain
Integrated voice recognition and synthesis technologies into a React-based user
Jira, Trello, Figma interface to enable seamless voice conversion and cloning.
Docker Created a flow to create voice biometrics. The user recorded 4 short audios of 15
WebSocket, seconds each and then I implemented the logic to create a Voice ID

OOP, SOLID Created a flow to convert text, link video and uploaded audio/video into a voice track
and audiogram with the ability to re-voice a large number of donor voices;
MS PowerBI
Worked with various cryptocurrencies and integrated cryptocurrency payment
methods into the platform using React and Redux.
Slate, Slate-React
Participated in code reviews, peer programming sessions, and hackathons to foster
team collaboration and innovation.

2020 apr - 2022 oct
JavaScript, Typescript,
Created authorization/registration flow using Firebase Authentication and React;
Frontend web development
Developed UI components for API interaction using React and Redux libraries;
(React, Redux(Redux Toolkit),
Optimized application performance using memoization and lazy component loading;
Axios/RTK Query), Websocket
Worked with Material UI and Bootstrap libraries to develop the app's interface;
EDUCATION Created animations and transitions between application pages;
MASTER OF ENGINEERING Worked with the React Router Dom library to route the app;
KNUBA Worked with server-side rendering of the application using Next.js;
2015 - 2019 Created higher order components (HOCs) and/or used render props to reuse code;
COLLEGE OF CONSTRUCTION Worked with Redux-Saga/ Redux-Thunk libraries to manage asynchronous
2011 - 2015 operations;
Tested my own code by writing Unit Tests;

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