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Резюме от 14 апреля 2024 Файл


QA Engineer Manual

37 лет
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Olha Kobel
I am a junior QA engineer, I have experience in software testing and
defect detection. My skills include test creation, test execution, bug
reporting and regression testing. I know manual testing techniques
and have experience using tools like Jira and TestRail. But in the future,
I want to grow up to be an automatic tester. I am also familiar with
development methodologies and know how to work in a team. I am a
Contact information detail-oriented person with a strong work ethic and a passion for
delivering the highest quality software.
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Project experience
Linkedin Working on a team project "Petly":
Telegram project link;
Kremenchug, Ukraine Creating test documentation (check-list and bug reports);
Functional testing, API testing (Postman, Swagger);
Tech skills teamwork using the Scrum framework (sprint planning meetings).
Functional testing Privat24:
Regression testing creating positive and negative test cases;
S moke testing creating test cases in QAse.
Creation of test QAtestlab site testing:
documentation creating bug reports.
HTML Static testing
CSS free review technique;
Jira role-based review.
Qase Working with a database in DBeaver (SQL).
TestRail SQL requests.
Slack Work experience
Institution of preschool education
2014 - 2023
Soft skills сonducting educational work with preschool children;
creation and maintenance of educational documentation;
Learning quickly work with parents;
Teamwork сonducting thematic holidays and master classes.
Perceptive Мy achievements:
Time management created a class for learning and education;
Communication was certified on the topic "Non-traditional drawing techniques as a
Creative means of developing children's abilities".
English - Pre-Intermediate IT School GoIT (Kyiv)
Ukrainian - Native 2022 - 2023
QA Engineer
Russian - Native
A. S. Makarenko Humanitarian and technological academy of
Pre-school education, teacher of speech therapy groups, Bachelor

Другие резюме этого кандидата

Похожие кандидаты

Quality assurance manual, тестувальник, тестер

Тестировщик, Manual QA Engineer, QA analyst

QA-инженер (QA Manual, QA/QC)
Удаленно, Днепр

QA manual, automation engineer
Удаленно, Киев, Другие страны

QA engineer, Manual tester, Programmer
15000 грн, Удаленно, Харьков

Тестувальник, Manual QA engineer

Все похожие кандидаты

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