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Резюме от 6 апреля 2023 PRO


.Net developer

Полная занятость.
22 года

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Опыт работы

.Net developer

с 12.2022 по наст. время (1 год 6 месяцев)
AssetSavvy, Львів (IT)

Responsibilities: Implementing microservices, Implementing of new features, Investigation domain of project, Code refactoring, Data base related work, Implementing Unit and integration tests.

Tools and Technologies: ASP.NET core, MS SQL Server, Entity framework core, Docker, CQRS, GitLab, Jira, Confluence, microservice architecture.

.net backend developer

с 11.2021 по 12.2022 (1 год 1 месяц)
GlobalLogic Ukraine, Львів (IT)

Participated in two commercial projects.
First one is internal project related to identity management.
Responsibilities:Implementation of new features, code refactoring, unit testing.
Tools and Technologies: ASP.NET core, .NET core, WEB API, Docker, AWS.
The second one was project where customers can build and customize their own sites to sell products.
Responsibilities: implementation of new features, fixing bugs, code refactoring, data base queries, stored procedures.
Tools and Technologies: ASP.NET MVC, .NET framework, MS SQL Server, Entity framework, JS, HTML, CSS, TFS.



Прикладна математика, Львів
Неоконченное высшее, с 2019 по 2023 (4 года)

Знание языков

Английский — выше среднего

Дополнительная информация

I have over 1 year of experience in .NET software development. During that time, developed a few pet projects, participated in two commercial projects and one startup.
Have experience in different programming languages and technologies, such as C#, .NET/.NET core, ASP.NET/ASP.NET core, Web API, SQL, AWS, TFS, Docker.
Familiar with object-oriented concepts, design patterns, DDD, TDD, CQRS, REST, SCRUM and Agile methodologies.
I am persistent and meticulous in analyzing problem and finding proper solution. I am communicative, open-minded, goal-oriented and responsible. I have an active teamwork attitude and able to quickly grasp new concepts.

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