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Резюме от 30 марта 2023 Файл



30 лет

Контактная информация

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Petro Horchak
Frontend Developer

Zdolbuniv, Ukraine
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») · [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

My name is Petro, and I have been working in web development as frontend
developer since 2016. During this time, I have gained experience with many
projects developed using various technologies, ranging from pure JavaScript and
JavaScript AngularJS to the latest versions of Angular that utilize all the advantages of
TypeScript JavaScript ES6 and TypeScript. I also have extensive experience in creating web
pages using HTML/CSS.
I consider my strengths to be hardworking, perseverance and motivation. I
would like to become a part of a friendly team with whom we will move forward
Bootstrap / Material / to new heights together.

Git / SVN
Specialist , Rivne State Humanitarian University, Rivne
September 2010 — June 2015
Biology / The Faculty of Psychology and Natural Sciences.

Work experience
Eleks, remote
November 2021 — April 2023

• Researching and assessing new tasks and future functionality, and
allocating them among the team, while tracking progress and
implementation time using the Azure DevOps platform.
• Developing new functionality, fixing bugs, and conducting code reviews for
intern developers using Visual Studio.
• Utilizing the Git version control system to add and track changes made by
both myself and other developers in the code.
• Developing pages and components using Angular, PrimeNG (an Angular
library), Typescript, and HTML/CSS (Sass).

Deloitte Ukraine, remote
November 2020 — November 2021

• Researching and assessing new tasks and future functionality, and
allocating them among the team, while tracking progress and
implementation time using the Azure DevOps platform.
• Developing new functionality, fixing bugs, and conducting code reviews for
intern developers using Visual Studio.
• Utilizing the Git version control system to add and track changes made by
both myself and other developers in the code.
• Developing pages and components using Angular, PrimeNG (an Angular
library), Typescript, and HTML/CSS (Sass).

freelance, remote
July 2019 — November 2020

• Making landing pages (HTML/CSS, SASS, Bootstrap, jQuery)
• Development small projects with using pure JavaScript
• fixing defects / maintaining project

SoftServe, Rivne
November 2018 — April 2019


• Learned server side development with NodeJS and MongoDB
• Improve front-end development skills (Angular 7+, Typescript, JavaScript)

freelance, remote
March 2018 — October 2018

• Worked in the development environment Visual Studio Code
• Developed and designed web-pages with using bootstrap, lass.
• Developed site structure-components with using Angular 1.6
• Refactoring project from AngularJS in Angular 4+
• Added the functional elements with using Material for Angular
• Maintained created projects, fixed defects
• Developed projects and saved the newest changes with using Bitbucket (Git)

StartupSoft, Ternopil’
November 2016 — March 2018

• Worked in the development environment Visual Studio 2015
• Developed and designed web-pages with the using bootstrap, scss.
• Added the functional elements with using ui-bootstrap for Angular
• Developed site structure-components with using Angular 1.6
• Implemented web-pages navigation with using ui-router for Angular
• Reported and tracked current tasks with using ‘Trello’ and ‘JIRA’
• Maintained created projects, fixed defects
• Developed projects and saved the newest changes with using Bitbucket

Bootcamp Angular 4, SoftServe
July 2018 — August 2018

English Grammar Course, Eleks
September 2022 — December 2022

English Intermediate (IL) Course, Eleks
December 2022 — March 2023

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