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Резюме от 26 марта 2023 Файл


Junior Javascript-програміст

26 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Запорожье, Удаленно

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Telegram: @houren_ya // [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)


Node.js, Eqman ,junior backend
October 2022-March 2023
Eqman is a assets management tool for small and medium business. Core
business value is to provide simple and convenient solution for clients where
they can manage their business related assets, set responsible person for assets,
make a secure stocktaking, mange assets location, control the asset transfer
MongoDB, process and much more.
Also product solves a problem of production assets theft using labelling
Mysql/PostgreSQL, approach for all assets.
Also product use iBeacon technology for locating a particular asset in a huge
Docker, AWS warehouse
My responsibilities on this project were mainly related to BE development. I was
a responsible for object/location module that controls all operations related to
assets location placement and cross location transfer process.
Here I have got such skills as OOP principles; design patterns such as: Builder,
Factory, Mediator; multiprocessing in Node.js; Image processing; AWS S3;
Technologies: Node.js,Typescript, Express, MongoDB, mongoose, Docker, Swagger

Security Store (Pet project during trainee period),
August 2022 - October 2022,

Developed API for secure storage of text plain data with ability to share it via
link protected by password. Similar to LastPass.
Project was oriented on learning and understanding the DDD design approach
using Nest.js + CQRS.
This project gave me an understanding of DDD basics such as Application
Layers (Domain, Infrastructure, Application), understanding that developer
need to focus on business processes instead of data, DB is only a plugin, CCP as
module organisation principle.
Technologies: NodeJs, NestJs, TypeScript, MongoDB, Mongoose

jPlace (Pet project during trainee period), June 2022 - August 2022,

Developed the server part of a small application for tagging map location with
description and photos.
Idea was to attach an information to the some map marker, similar to Google
Skills I have got here: MVC pattern, got experience with Express.js, AWS S3
Bucket, MySQL, initial express project architecture, JWT Auth approach
Technologies: Node.js, JavaScript, Express, MySQL, Sequelize

Basic development skills Courses, January 2022 - June 2022

Here I have got basic development knowledge using Javascript/Typescript and
This course was about how to think in algorithmic way, what abilities are
programming languages provide for developers, what is a clean code, basic
development concepts like functional paradigm and OOP
Technologies: Javascript/Typescript, OOP, NPM, NVM

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