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Резюме от 19 апреля 2023 Файл



41 год
Город проживания:
Готов работать:
Другие страны, Удаленно

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон.

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Shepotko Dmytro (Dmitrij)
Region: Czech Republic (European Union, remote or relocate)
Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») / [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») (messengers)
E-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Work experience
Delphi programmer
15.08.2022 – now
Elekt Labs s.r.o.
(Type of activity: Outsourcing programming)
Function: Software development for the needs of factories.
Development of the multi-thread applications (Delphi Embarcadero ver.10.4),
optimization, production planning, and database dependent applications. Design of the
graphical user interfaces.
Programmer engineer
16.04.2021 – now
Novokramatorsky mashinostroitelny zavod
(Type of activity: Industry and production)
Function: Software development for factory’s needs.
Construction SQL-requests in Oracle (ver. 11). Software development for connect
to database on Delphi platform (ver. 7). Rework software for control of using fuel
smartcard, optimization old and construction new SQL-request for this program.
Commercial director / Director
05.08.2015 – 16.12.2020 (5 years 4 months)
Advanced technologies alliance
(Type of activity: Wholesale / Distribution / Import - export)
Function: Analysis of the market situation. Search for new partners. Negotiating
with suppliers and customers. Conducting of tender’s procedure for supply materials
and components. Business management control. Financial control. Production control.
Marketing engineer
12.02.2013 – 20.07.2015 (2 years 5 months)
Novokramatorsky mashinostroitelny zavod
(Type of activity: Industry and production)
Function: Analysis, organization and control of plant’s marketing activities.
Search for equipment customers. Participation in tender’s procedure.
Accountant/ process engineer (software developer)
01.08.2005 – 11.02.2013 (7 years 6 months)
Novokramatorsky mashinostroitelny zavod
(Type of activity: Industry and production)
Function: Software development for accounting department.
Construction SQL-requests in Oracle (ver. 9). Software development for connect
to database on Delphi platform (ver. 7). First program (full independent
implementation, frontend/backend) will “Accounting staff”: movement, appointment
and dismissal control of accounting staff; personal information management (birthday,
education, family composition, etc.). Second independent software will for accounting
and operational control of solid fuel (wood). Other projects were in team:
comprehensive software complects for operational accounting of production
processes. In several as a frontend/backend developer for part of software, in last was
a team leader.
Acting head of department.
Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (Year of ending: 2008)
Enterprise economics, account and audit
Donbass State Engineering Academy (Year of ending: 2005)
Automation of mechanical engineering, information technology of design.
Additionally:Donbass State Engineering Academy (Year of ending: 2010)
Candidate’s minimum in the specialty «Economics and enterprise management»
Language proficiency
English – upper intermediate; Czech – low intermediate Ukrainian – native; Russian
– fluently.
In-depth knowledge of PC, sociability, ability to learn quickly, persistence,
purposefulness, ability to predict, quickly navigate and find a way out of unusual
Social work experience
Chairman of condominiums, board member of Youth association of
PJST «NKMZ», administrator of the KVN team PJST «NKMZ», first assistant of the
city council.

Похожие кандидаты

Программист Delphi
19000 грн, Хмельницкий, Удаленно



Програміст Delphi SQL
Запорожье, Удаленно

C#, Delphi, SQL developer

Delphi Developer
50000 грн, Удаленно

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