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Резюме от 29 апреля 2023 Файл


Sales manager

23 года

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Nikita Cherepovskiy
Sales Manager

Results-driven Sales Manager with a strong background in psychology and over 3 years of diverse
sales and customer support experience. Demonstrated expertise in the education and financial
markets sectors, with a proven track record in recruitment and relationship building. Passionate
about leveraging excellent communication and interpersonal skills to drive business growth and
exceed targets.
Work experience
Nikita Cherepovskiy
Sales Manager Apr 2023 - May 2023
Address NDA, Kyiv
Kyiv, Ukraine
Successfully secured 8 client deposits within the first month, showcasing exceptional sales
Phone number
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») acumen and relationship‑building skills in the competitive financial markets sector.
Developed and implemented tailored sales strategies, resulting in increased client engagement
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») and accelerated revenue growth.
Established and nurtured strong relationships with both new and existing clients, ensuring high
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») levels of satisfaction and loyalty.
IT Recruitment Trainee Feb 2023 - Apr 2023
Skills Trionika, Kyiv
Completed hands‑on training with a Senior IT Recruiter, covering all aspects of the recruitment
Sales Skillful
Gained experience in candidate sourcing, screening, interviewing, and selection for IT positions
Psychotherapy Intermediate Learned best practices for managing the recruitment pipeline and tracking key performance
Interviewing Skillful metrics
IT Recruitment Beginner
Consulting Psychologist May 2022 - Present
Languages Private Practice
Conducted initial client assessments to determine appropriate therapeutic approaches and
establish treatment plans
English B2
Provided one‑on‑one therapy sessions for clients, addressing a variety of personal and
professional issues
Volunteer Work Utilized active listening and empathy to develop rapport with clients and identify their needs and
Psychologist at Implemented tailored therapeutic interventions to help clients overcome challenges and achieve
psy_students_help personal growth
Provided first psychological aid, diagnostics, and consulting services to individuals seeking
support and guidance in our times of war.

Sales Representative/Customer Support Representative Jun 2021 - Apr 2023
Wentrum, Kyiv
Effectively managed client objections and provided insightful solutions, resulting in increased
sales and customer satisfaction.
Consistently met and exceeded sales targets by leveraging strong interpersonal skills and a deep
understanding of client needs.
Mentored and coached new team members, sharing best practices, product knowledge, and
sales techniques to enhance their performance and ensure their success.
Collaborated with cross‑functional teams to develop and implement strategies for improving sales
processes and optimizing customer support.
Fostered strong relationships with both new and existing clients, leading to increased customer
retention and loyalty.
Resolved complex customer inquiries and issues in a timely manner, ensuring high levels of
satisfaction and fostering long‑term loyalty.
Utilized strong analytical and problem‑solving skills to identify trends and opportunities for growth,
driving continuous improvement in sales results.
Education and Qualifications

Bachelor of Psychology Sep 2019 - Jul 2023
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv

HR Generalist Jan 2023 - May 2023
Beetroot Academy
Acquired comprehensive knowledge in various aspects of human resources, including
recruitment, employee relations, training and development, and performance management.
Gained insights into labor laws and regulations, enabling the development and implementation of
compliant HR policies and procedures.
Strengthened sales and business acumen through practical exercises and case studies focused
on driving organizational growth and performance.
Enhanced ability to identify, attract, and retain top talent, contributing to the overall success of the
sales team and business.
Developed expertise in creating and maintaining a positive work environment, fostering employee
engagement, and improving overall team productivity.
Learned to leverage HR analytics and data‑driven decision‑making to align HR strategies with
business goals and drive continuous improvement.

Psycotherapist Feb 2022 - Jan 2027
Kyiv Gestalt University, Kyiv

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