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Резюме от 20 декабря 2023 Файл


Front-end програміст

31 год

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

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Anastasiia Aslanova
Junior developer

tel.: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
telegram: @anastasiia_aslanova
email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
LinkedIn: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
github: https://github.com/AnastasiaAslanova
City: Mariupol/Dnipro

Summary: Education:

I know how to concentrate
on the tasks set, to Diplomas:
highlight priorities. I https://lms.beetroot.academy/diploma/ckotsdxu2iuhw07242h
believe that the main power hywd51
is knowledge, therefore I am https://lms.beetroot.academy/diploma/
ready to learn new things clbwi1thqiwki075177bec04w
every day. Set a goal and go
- Beetroot Academy course Front- end development
towards it by all means.
Aimed at maximum results. I - Beetroot Academy course Back-End (PHP, Laravel)
know what I want to September – December 2021
achieve. I am able to work in
- State National University named after Vladimir Dahl
multitasking mode. I have
experience in leading a team Faculty of Transport Technologies 2011 — 2013 yy.
of 7 people. - Mariupol Mechanical and Metallurgical College.
Faculty Organization of transportation by rail 2007-
2011yy. Graduated with honors.

Skills: Work experience:

• HTML; - Junior developer
• CSS/SCSS; epam
• Bootstrap; January 2022 - August 2022
• JQUERY; For 3 months I studied in the Drupal epam development
lab. With great pleasure I worked for another 3 months
• React;
as a junior developer. I quit my job due to bad family
• Drupal 8;
circumstances. For now, all these issues will be resolved
• Git;
and I am looking for a job that I love.
• PHP;
• Laravel; -Manager.
• OOP; Internet shop DomKi.
• Docker; November 2022 – now
• Composer; This is the job that gave me the opportunity to get back
• MySQL; on my feet after the war in my city. She gave me the
• Linux; opportunity to study the work of the online shop as it
is. But I really love programming and my goal is to
engage in development.

- Sales Manager.
Internet shop "Green House".
February 2019 - November 2021
My main responsibilities were content design for the
store, ordering from start to finish. Looking for new

- Railroad station attendant.
PRAT them. Ilyich. May 2013 - June 2017.
Organization of the movement of trains at the station by
means of a panel board, registration of original
documents.Drawing up a transportation plan for a given
period of time.
In 2017, I went on maternity leave, being in which I
began to actively study programming, to which I want
to devote myself in the future.
Ukrainian,Russian - C2
English – B1.
I take English courses online,
I strive to improve my level.

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