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Резюме от 12 мая 2024 Файл


Java developer

21 год

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Lutsenko Oleksandr
Java Developer

Contacts: Technical Skills:
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Java Core, Java 8, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Security,
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Spring Boot, Apache Kafka, Maven, Gradle, Docker, JUnit,
Telegram: @DayMonkey Mockito. Understanding of enterprise/integration design
LinkedIn / GitHub patterns, SOLID, TDD.
Kyiv, Ukraine DB: JDBC, Hibernate, RDBMS (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
Web Development: Tomcat, Servlets, JSP, XML, HTML/CSS,
Operating systems: Windows
Version Control Tools: Git, Bitbucket
English Intermediate+

Professional Summary

I possess a fast learning ability and a strong analytical mindset. I have extensive knowledge of
Java and OOP and have worked with Hibernate and Spring frameworks. In addition, my
experience includes working with SQL and databases. Have a good understanding of unit testing,
am familiar with TDD methodology and Git, and have experience with SOLID principles. With a
strong commitment to teamwork and a dedication to delivering quality results, I am eager to
contribute to a dynamic organization as a Java Developer.

Work Experience

Java Developer
WinWin.Travel - Part-Time
20.10.2023 - Present
As a Java Developer, I've been immersed in the dynamic realm of backend development for hotel
booking applications. My focus on crafting efficient solutions has led me to harness a toolkit of
cutting-edge technologies, including Spring, Kafka, Docker, PostgreSQL, Redis. In this role, my
contributions have encompassed:
Enhancing Functionality: I've been dedicated to not only resolving bugs, but also spearheading
the integration of new features. This commitment ensures that our system operates seamlessly,
elevating the user experience with every interaction.
System Architecture Management: Guiding the evolution of our system architecture has been one
aspect of my role. By prioritizing scalability, reliability, and performance optimization, I've
ensured that our platform remains agile and responsive to project objectives.
Code understanding & Debugging: Through meticulous analysis and hands-on engagement, I've
cultivated a deep understanding of our codebase. This proficiency has empowered me to swiftly
diagnose issues, implement effective solutions, and fine-tune our code for optimal performance
and stability.
Collaboration tools: Bitbucket, Jira, Confluence, CI/CD, Slack, Code Review


Project name - Taxi-Service
GitHub - Link
Description - A simple implementation of Taxi Service where you can authenticate/register new
driver accounts, and manage manufacturers, cars, and drivers (CRUD operations).
Technologies - Java, Maven, JDBC, MySQL, Java Servlets, JSTL, Tomcat
Project name - CinemaApp
GitHub - Link
Description - The REST API application supports role-based authorization (ADMIN, USER) with
password encryption stored in DB. Users can view information about the movies, cinema halls,
movie sessions, and book tickets in their own shopping carts. Admins can get customer info, add
movies, and cinema halls, and manage movie sessions.
Technologies - Java, Maven, Spring Security, Spring, Hibernate, Javax Servlets, Javax
Annotations, MySQL, Tomcat

Project name - Car-sharing-service
GitHub - Link
Description - [group project] The REST API, the project's main task is implementing an online car
rental management system. This system will streamline the work of the service administrators and greatly
enhance the user experience.
Technologies - Java, Maven, MySQL, Tomcat, Spring, SpringBoot, Liquibase, Lombok, Swagger


The National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
Technical and software automation systems
Bachelor Degree
Kyiv (2020 - 2024)


Mate Academy
Java Developer
February 2023 - May 2023

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