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Резюме от 30 мая 2024 Файл


UI/UX Designer

19 лет
Город проживания:
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Valeria Kovalenko
UX\UI designer

About me Contact me
My name is Valeria, I am a Junior UX/UI designer. My work experience is one Phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
year. For me, UX/UI design is not only about an attractive interface but also
ease of use and solving many user problems. Consistent use of qualitative Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
research and streaming methods. I follow trends in the field of interface
design and try to stay abreast of various innovations. My credo: Linkedin: valeriakovalenko
responsibility and a quality approach to work.
Behance: valeriakovalenko
Soft skills
Respect for details with the aim of achieving the best result;
Communication skills in interaction with colleagues at work to solve English - Intermediate
Deutsch - Beginner
Ukrainian - Native
Russian - Native

Hard skills
Knowledge of the basics of color science, typography, visual composition,
UX principles, usability; Designly (March ‘22 - June ‘22)
Creation of wireframes, prototypes and visual design of sites in Figma; «UX\UI Desing START» course
UI kit project design;

Client brief/collection of information from the client;
Definition of target audience; Landing page project of online conference
«Design conference»
Basic knowledge of user testing;
Information from the client;
UX audit based on Nielsen's heuristics;
Conducting secondary research;
Secondary research;
Design the UI kit of the project;
Competitor analysis;
Creation of wireframes, moodboard prototypes

User flow/sitemap creation; and visual design in Figma;

Adaptive design.
E-commerce project of online delivery of
products «Foodlight»
Client briefing;
Creation of wireframes, moodboard prototypes

Miro and visual design in Figma;

Notion UX audit based on Nielsen’s heuristics;

Slack Conducting secondary research;

Adobe Illustrator Competitor analysis;

Adobe Photoshop User flow/sitemap creation;

WordPress Design the UI kit of the project;

Elementor Definition of target audience;

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