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Резюме от 9 мая 2024 Файл



27 лет

Контактная информация

Соискатель указал телефон и эл. почту.

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

In 2023, I decided to focus on
developing a specialized skillset
and to change my career path. I
have always been passionately
interested in technology and its
impact on product quality. With a
diverse background ranging from
handing out flyers to working in
funeral services, I found my
passion in Quality Assurance
Trainee QA Engineer
(QA). I have experience in
creating all kinds of test
documentation. Initially, I self-
studied the material, but soon
realized the value of having a
mentor. Therefore, I enrolled in
Softserve Academy to enhance
my knowledge in the field.
Currently, I have completed the Experience
Testing Fundamentals and Intro
to IT course and finish the QA March 2023 Junior QA engineer
practical testing course. I am Softserve - Digital waste sorting service.
excited to continue improving my Performed functional testing of software, collaborated with task trackers and
skills and contribute to the field of reports in Jira Confluence and version control system GitHub. Prioritized testing
based on requirements and release schedules. Worked closely with developers
to resolve identified defects.
Developed and executed API test scenarios using Postman. Implemented
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») approaches to automate API testing, accelerating verification processes and
reducing errors in the product.
Gmail Collaborated with development teams and analysts to ensure alignment with
functional documentation and specifications. Participated in development
department meetings to discuss release plans and address critical quality
Worked jointly with the development team to document APIs using Swagger.
LinkedIn Actively updated documentation when changes were made to API functionality,
contributing to better understanding and usability of the product for other team
Lviv members.
Utilized Docker Desktop to work with local project versions. Created and
configured containers for different testing environments, ensuring consistent
EDUCATION testing conditions.
Analyzed and verified websites using developer tools (DevTools). Identified and
assisted in rectifying defects in website layout and functionality to ensure
● Crimean State optimal user experience.
Used DataGrip for efficient database work. Authored and executed SQL queries to
Humanitarian University verify data integrity and reliability, aiding in detecting database errors.
Organization management Conducted website load testing with JMeter. Analyzed performance and speed
under load conditions, identified and resolved performance-related issues.

● SoftServe Academy Hard skills
Testing Fundamentals, Intro to
IT and QA practical testing ● Test design techniques ● Agile/ SCRUM ● API testing
2023 ● Database testing ● Test Planning ● Test Strategy
● Test Cases ● Functional Testing ● Bug reporting
● Udemy ● HTML/CSS (basic level) ● Test Automation ● Issue Tracking
Automation testing + Python ● Documentation ● Docker ● Web Development Tools
2023 ● Database Management ● Performance Testing● Python (Basic level)
● Jira/Confluence ● PyCharm/PyTest
Soft skills
English - Intermediate
●Ability to Multitask ●Good Communication
Ukrainian - Native ●Ability to Work in Teams ●Analytical Thinking Skills
●Retain Information Quickly

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