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Резюме от 3 июня 2024 Файл


Розробник PHP

24 года
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Alexandr Vorontsov
Sr/Team lead PHP Developer

● 6 years of experience in the commercial development of
software solutions with a focus on PHP

Technical skills:
● Proficient in PHP development
● The ability to build a user-friendly interface
● Understanding of methods and testing of IT products
● Clean and readable code
● Strong experience with MySQL and PostgreSQL

Personal skills:
● Ability to solve technical problems
● Responsible, hard-working and communicable
● Good team player, quick taking new skills, self-learning
● Make the delivery of product on time
● An aspiration to be the Full Stack developer

Generic Application
● Back-End website development: Laravel, SYMFONY
● Experience with third-party APIs
● Object-oriented development, system architecture


Programming Languages


Technologies, Frameworks and Libraries
Laravel, Symfony, Yii2, BootStrap, Git, Composer, Laravel Nova,
JQuery, Vue.js

APIs Telegram Bot API, AMAZON API’s (SQS and Seller Partner),
Shopify, Facebook API, Facebook Messenger API, Viber API,
Google API, Azure, POST services, mobile carriers api, etc.


Docker, MySQL, Apache, Nginx, Ngrok, Vagrant

Operating Systems and tools

Mac, Linux, Git, Docker, Jira, TeamCity

Work Experience
03/2018 - 12/2020 - IteriaSoft (Laravel Developer)

01/2021 - 10/2023 - Vilmate (PHP Laravel Developer)

Project Experience

(4 months)
Description: Shopify-Amazon app
Responsibilities: Team leader. Rebuild old project from pure php
to laravel 9.
Integration of Amazon SQS, Seller Partner API and Shopify. Build
functionality for products, orders, etc
Technologies: Laravel, MySQL, Redis, Amazon, Shopify

Telemetry storage subsystem (12 months)
Description: System for collecting information from sensors in
the production of transmitting an encoded signal via FTP. The
system contained the level of decoding, normalization, state
reduction, allows you to search, filter, plot.
Technologies: PHP, Laravel, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ.
(10 months)
Description: news platform (online magazine with subscription
content for followers)
Responsibilities: Integration mobile carrier from client side. bug
fixes, Rest API, mobile notifications
Technologies: Symfony, MySQL, redis.

Freelance project: Reefashion.app (https://reefashion.app/) (8
Description: Trading platform (online shopping)
Responsibilities: Integration InpostAPI, facebook API, a little
mango pay systmem. Admin panel develop, Rest API, jobs,
Technologies: Laravel, React Native, MySQL, redis.

(8 months)
Description: It’s a huge system for controlling different types of
inspection that should be done in a European country for
controlling fire safety and extinguishers, water quality, etc. The
system is also used in huge house organizations as well as in
hotels, hospitals, schools, etc. It helps to do full control and
maintenance of the quality indicators, up to the number of
bacteria and the time for which the water becomes the required
temperature after the tap is opened.
Responsibilities: building REST API for mobile platforms iOS and
Android; applying architectural solutions; implementation client
server REST API.
Technologies: Laravel, Angular, MySQL, redis.

(3 months)
Description: B2B platform, communication operator with the
clients in a support chat.
Responsibilities: building REST API; applying architectural
solution; integration Viber, messenger and telegram; created
admin panel used nova; email notifications; auth.
Technologies: Laravel, Vue.js, MySQL, redis.

(7 months)
Description: Social network for those who want to trade their
plants or purchase them.
Responsibilities: work with REST API; applying architectural
solutions; Integrate facebook auth; making admin panel use
laravel nova; email notifications; auth; events for trade plants.
Technologies: Laravel, Vue.js, PostgreSQL, Redis.

(5 months)
Description: City monuments and historical places.
Responsibilities: Creating of admin and user parts. Admin panel.
Integration with Facebook and google maps. Create DB structure.
Working with files. Server tuning. Auto deploy to server.
Technologies: Laravel, PostgreSQL, redis.

(7 months)
Description: Online shop.
Responsibilities: Create DB structure. Working with files.
Building REST API. Create policy for users. Integration telegram.
Technologies: Laravel, React native, PostgreSQL, redis.

(7 months)
Description: Social network for freight carriers and customers
who track their packages
Responsibilities: Implement google API. Make auth. Db
structure. Building Rest API.
Technologies: Laravel, Vue.js, MySQL, redis.

(8 months)
Description: Studying platform.
Responsibilities: Creating of admin and user parts. Admin panel.
Create DB structure. Working with files. Auto deploy to server.
Working with server structure. Building REST API. Policy for
Technologies: Laravel, Angular, MySQL, Redis.

(7 months)
Description: Quest rooms Responsibilities: Implement google
API, Facebook api. Building Rest API. Name under NDA
Description Real estate
Responsibilities: Implement vk API. Building front-end and
back-end. Created admin and user side.
Technologies: Laravel, Angular, PostgreSQL, redis.

English - advanced (C1)
Russian - Native
Ukrainian -Native

Telegram: ​https://t.me/AlexandrVorontsovv
mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

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Full Stack developer PHP, JS (Laravel Vue.js)
80000 грн, Удаленно, Одесса

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