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Резюме от 5 июня 2024 Файл


Unity 3D розробник

19 лет
Город проживания:
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Kharkov Andrii
Unity Developer
Personal information:
Email - [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Phone - [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Location - Pavlograd city, Ukraine

Professional summary
Unity developer with more than a year of experience of creating mobile
Technical Skills
Skill Category Skill List
Programming Languages C#
Operating Systems Android, IOS;
Development Tools Visual Studio Code;
Tests Unit test;
Version Control Systems Git;
System.Collections.Generic, DG.Tweening, UnityEngine.UI,
Libraries UnityEngine.
Training Udemy.
Foreign Language Skills
English Pre-Intermediate
Ukrainian Native
Russian Native

Professional Experience
QuliSoft June 2023 - December 2023
Junior Unity developer

List of projects
Project Name: Baby Care
For this project, I created and configured several game scenes (created
animations, scripts, arranged objects, and added sounds). For the remaining
scenes, I tested the features and fixed all the errors that appeared. The game was
created based on:
Baby Care - Apps on Google Play
Project Name: Kindergarten
For this game, I set up 10 scenes using the custom framework (created
animations, scripts, object placement, game mechanics, transition between
scenes, and set up interstitial advertising using the custom framework).
The game was created based on:
Kindergarten - Apps on Google Play
Project Name: Farm
For this game, I set up the adaptation using the custom framework and tested the
scenes, fixing any errors that appeared. I also checked other developers’ work,
providing feedback and advice on the bugs or problems solutions.
The game was created based on:
Farm - Apps on Google Play
Project Name: Dentist
This is a game with portrait orientation. For this game, I set up an adaptation using
the custom framework, tested, and debugged the scenes. I also checked other
developers’ work, helping with problem solutions. I made a script for the
framework that correctly adapted backgrounds.
The game was created based on:
Dentist - Apps on Google Play

Personal Projects
Project Name: QuizGame
My project that I worked on alone is a quiz game. I worked on the graphics,
scripts, timer mechanics, questions, and scoring system, and created the UI
elements like the main menu.
The game was created based on:

Training and Certifications
Program Name: Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D;
Date(s) Attended: 2023;
Status: Completed 80 lectures passed 54 percent;
Provider: GameDev.tv Team;
Description: Learn C#, a powerful modern language, from scratch. No prior
programming experience is necessary. Become excellent at using the Unity game

Program Name: Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D;
Date(s) Attended: 2023;
Status: Completed 64 lectures passed 35 percent;
Provider: GameDev.tv Team;
Description: Gain an excellent general knowledge of video game design.
Make 3D games in Unity.

Institution: Dnipro University of Technology.
Date(s) Attended: September 2023 - Current.
Major: Computer science.

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