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Резюме от 3 апреля 2024 Файл


Unity 3D developer

38 лет
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Schachowskyi Alexandr Leonidovich
Unity3D developer
Phone number: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
e-mail: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Portfolio and Online profiles: GitHub, UpWork, Linkedin,
Last projects build and additional links:


C# , Unity3D, Maya, Visual Studio, Git, Substance Painter, Adobe Photoshop, HTML/CSS,
С/C++(Basic), JavaScript(Basic), Java(Basic), SQL(Basic), Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe
Prime(Basic), Microsoft Office, Marvelous Designer(Basic),
OTHER: Skills of telecommunications and information security. Designing of systems security.

Readable Games - Unity 3d Developer
Oct 2022 – Jul 2023
Kiyev, Ukraine
Development visual novels choice game for mobile IOS/Android . Apps optimization for mobile devices of
different generations. Creation of prototypes, integration of analytics and other SDKs.

Start a project from scratch, and implement future core and gameplay mechanics .

Achievements: IOS, Android

Unavinar Media - Unity 3d Developer
Jul 2021 – Jul 2022
Kiyev, Ukraine
Development of hyper-casual mobile games. Apps optimization for mobile devices of different generations.
Creation of prototypes, integration of analytics and other SDKs.

● Programming the game logic (UI, Gameplay etc)
● Integration of art work 2d/3d and build UI from 2D artist concept. I worked closely with artists to make
looking their work in Unity as render, tuning material and other.
● Creation of tools for game designer to make their work easier
Achievements: Some of games apk and video https://1drv.ms/u/s!AtEoHNe7Y1-KgnCJqbCIKGnTi68i?e=VcTNaT

Fair Pixel -Unity3d Developer
May2017 – Jul 2021
Kiyev, Ukraine

Small company which develop indie games for console and PC. I Work as Unity3d developer, create
scripts for game logics, and make game levels from designers art work.
● Programming game logic (UI, level logic, game bosses etc.)
● Integration of art work 2d and build UI from 2D artist concept
Achievements: Shanky: The Vegan's Nightmare , Erra: Exordium

GunChimp Studios, Best Games Ever - Remote 3D level builder for Unity3D mobile game.
Jul 2015 - freelance long term contract
● Creation of 3D levels in the style of Minecraft game
● Preparing ready levels models in Unity3d for next processing (hierarchy, Prefabs, materials,
texture etc.).
● Textured and matched levels for mobile platforms.
● Programmed on C# simple level animations

Computer Academy “IT-Step” - Teacher of Unity3D and Game Design
Mar 2016 – Jul 2017
I work with kids in children section of Academy "IT-Step”. I teach them principle of Game Design and
many other subjects connected with Design and Programming.
● I proposed Academy include in program couple new courses - Unity3D(basic), Game Design
(Construct 2).
● I am an author of couple course (Game Design, Unity3D, Illustrator).
● Also, I developed VR project for the academy on Android with Google Cardboard, and many
student project as Team Lead of their work.

Publishing Center "Hyperion” - Graphic designer. DTP-Designer. Web-designer. Network
Administrator etc.
Oct 2009 – May 2016
Everything in information technology field (Graphic Design, Network, Publishing, Programming,
Web development etc.)
● Developed and published whit using Unity 3D
● Also, I have published many book, pamphlet and other printing things
● Launched and maintained for company website and many web projects.
● Also, done a project to create eBooks for Android and publications into Google Play and Amazon.
● Freelance work with foreign customers on portal upwork.com.

PC "Rias" - Engineer-radio engineering
Aug 2008 - Mar 2010
● Soldered devices for technical protection information.
● Prepared of calculations for the certification of products.
● Work on exhibitions, presented of firm, connected with customers.
● Created many devise for information protection from side electromagnetic emission
● Create site on Joomla. I created design of exhibition stand and embodied in the life. Created the
brochure with a list of device, what the company manufactured, and provide support when
printed them. Changed design passports for all products, for self-production.
● Scored a technical translation of documentation for suppressor mobile phones and created
ukrainian version of model passport from english.

Graphic Designer
Aug 2006 - Feb 2007, Ukrainian publishing consortium


National Aviation University ( Kyiv, Ukraine) 2003 – 2008 Computer Systems Engineer.
Degree: Specialist. Speciality: Data protection and automation of processing.


English – intermediate, Ukrainian – native


Social activities
- Member of the Union of Journalists of Ukraine from 2011 till now
Interests and Hobbies
- I love play the military games (airsoft). 3D printing enthusiast, I myself assembled delta printer and
now fixe many other and prints for AF of Ukraine needs.
Game experience
I play games from 1998. I play: action, FPS, TPS, simulator, RPG, race, less love strategy game,
casual, quest (but all new main game (+AAA blockbusters) from the all genres I try to play). With
pleasure, I play on mobile.

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