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Резюме от 1 апреля 2024 Файл


Content manager, Marketer

22 года

Контактная информация

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Results-driven professional with experience developing and executing content strategies to
turn target audience into blog readers and drive website traffic.
Proven ability to research, write, and edit content for websites, blogs, articles, social media
posts, and newsletters. Adept at creating engaging, SEO-friendly copies for a variety of
industries, including the Blockchain & Web3 indsutry.


Personal Blog (Medium, Wixsite) October 2018-Present

 Edited and proofread for clarity and accuracy
 Wrote original short and long-form content that maintained brand consistency across
 Researched and wrote articles for various Medium publications
 Developed cotent strategy that increased blog traffic by 30% in 6 months
 Optimized existing content using SEO strategies to improve search engine rankings
 Conducted keyword research to identify target audience interests and optimize content
 Maintained an up-to-date knowledge about industry-related emerging technologies and
trends to stay ahead of competition
 Produced long-form content such as e-books, webinars, and workshops
 Edited existing content to ensure accuracy and clarity while sticking with my personal
brand guidelines
 Audited existing posts for broken links, outdated information, and accessibility issues
 Utilized various social media platforms to promote web content and drive organic traffic
 Adapted writing style across different media
 Researched industry trends and topics relevant to target audiences to generate new
content ideas
 Managed multiple projects simultaneously while meeting tight deadlines in a fast-
paced environment.

FREELANCE CONTENT WRITER Ivano-Frankivs’k, Ukraine
Trailblazer Inc May 2020 - October 2021

 Developed original content for YouTube video scripts
 Adapted writing style according to the preferences of target audiences
 Edited existing copies to meet client’s expectations while maintaining brand voice
 Conducted thorough research on assigned topics and developed well-structured articles,
blog posts, website content, and social media updates.
 Collaborated with project managers to understand requirements, target audience, and goals,
ensuring each content is aligned with brand voice and objectives

WGMI Community, Marketing and Editorial Guild July 2022 - November 2022

 Brainstormed content marketing strategies and content ideas for 3 months of
marketing and promotion
 Collaborated with Marketing and community managers to create and publish blog
posts on Mirror
 Collaborated with media outlets for enhanced promotions and publicity
 Developed content marketing strategies to enhance brand awareness and lead
 Assisted in creating social media content and promotional materials
 Monitored and analyzed KPIs and OKRs to evaluate effectiveness of strategies and


 Quality Deliverables  Proficient in CMS softwares e.g Hubspot,
 Active Listening Wordpress, Wix
 News Writing Skills  Brand Consistency
 Assigning Topics  Microsoft Office
 Digital Content Development  Search Engine Optimization Expertise
 Peer-to-Peer Work  Reading Comprehension
 Social Media Platforms  Technical Writing
 Google Docs  Content Curation
 Creative Writing  Social Media Content Writing
 Production Deadlines  Editorial Calendaring
 Developing advertising campaigns  Marketing and Advertising Strategies


Content Writing: Extensive experience in crafting high-quality, original, and engaging
content for blogs, websites, and social media platforms. Proficient in maintaining a
consistent tone and style, conducting thorough research, and adapting writing styles to suit
target audiences.

Blog Writing: Demonstrated expertise in creating compelling blog posts that drive traffic,
engage readers, and enhance brand visibility. Skilled in developing captivating headlines,
structuring content effectively, and incorporating SEO strategies.

Research and Analysis: Strong ability to conduct in-depth research on various topics and
gather relevant information from credible sources. Proficient in analyzing data and
synthesizing complex information into clear and concise content.

Editing and Proofreading: Meticulous attention to detail with excellent editing and
proofreading skills. Capable of reviewing and revising content for grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and clarity, ensuring error-free and polished final drafts.

SEO Optimization: Familiarity with search engine optimization techniques to optimize
content for higher search engine rankings. Knowledge of keyword research, meta tags,
backlinking, and other SEO best practices.

Time Management: Efficiently manage multiple projects, prioritize tasks, and meet strict
deadlines. Strong organizational skills to maintain productivity and ensure timely delivery
of high-quality work.


 Developed and maintained a personal blog, attracting a dedicated readership and
earning well-deserved recognition for elegant content quality
 Successfully managed and executed content calendars for myself and clients,
delivering rare-air quality articles on time and hitting project milestones
 Implemented content optimization strategies for my personal blog, resulting in
significant increase in organic traffic.
 Published articles on reputable online publications, displaying expertise in niche
topics and showcasing great writing prowess and good editing skills.

Другие резюме этого кандидата

Похожие кандидаты

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Ивано-Франковск, Львов, Надворная


Менеджер з комунікацій, Event-manager
Ивано-Франковск, Киев , еще 3 города

25000 грн, Ивано-Франковск, Удаленно

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