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Резюме от 30 августа 2023 Файл



36 лет

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Full name: Chupil Yurii
City: Lviv
Tel: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Military record: removed from the military
service register
An analytical, initiative, results-oriented, and client-oriented person. Strong verbal
communication skills, successful in negotiations. I am independent, efficient, and
have lateral thinking. Dependable with high personal standards and attention to detail.
High efficiency. Confident, a methodical, stress-resistant approach to achieving goals
and objectives.
Education LNAU Master’s Degree at: “Management and Administration”
09.2021 - 12.2022 Program Subject Area: “Business, trade and exchange activities”.
Education Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University.
09.2003 - 09.2012 Faculty of Medicine. Specializations:“Organization and management of health care in
medicine” and “OB/GYN”
01.2023 - 07.2023 Manager Cash & Market: NGO “Triangle of Génération Humanitaire

Number of subordinates: 6
● Run the Execution of Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance (MPCA).
● Run the delivery of Non-Food Items through e-vouchers.
● In charge of project Cash-for-Rent and Cash-for-Utilities project
● Management of MPCA component implementation under different grants.
● Monitoring and capitalization of project activities.
● Support of coordination between bases regarding e-vouchers.
● Focal point towards e-vouchers' suppliers and other stakeholders.
● Representation towards the National Cash Working Group and other stakeholders by
References: Head of Program Lingier Martine
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
11.2021 - 11.2022 Head of Operations: NGO “HOSPITAL SHEPTYTSKY”
Number of subordinates: 200
● Organize effective interaction between the structural units, HR processes and
recruiting, control procurement.
● Implement Data Driven approach and regular management tools (Google sheets,
Asana, Doctor Eleks, Kobo) at each managerial level.
● Control the formation of the development plan, the budget of each department in
accordance with the Organization strategy.
● From the humanitarian headquarters during the war, automate control over the
distribution of humanitarian aid (google sheets own tools).
● Implement and coordinate projects with international funds (IOM, Rotary
International AU, Caritas, etc.), ensure the implementation of key donor indicators
in support of the Fund’s activities.
References: Director Andriy Login
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
06.2017 - 11.2021 Executive Director: ASKEP LLC
Project content: HEALTHCARE IT
Product: International Healthcare SaaS solution to automate the workflow of medical
● Analyze, create and approve the product road map (SDLC).
● Stack technology: Php laravel, Java.
Number of subordinates: 50
● Control the implementation and completeness of work with CRM, Workstation,
Jira, Gitlab. Agile (Lean) methodology.
● Monitor and evaluate the market on a regular basis.
● Introduce methodologies for working with focus groups and NPS indexes.
● Cooperate with governance to the State Enterprise “Zdorovie”, the National Health
Service of Ukraine and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
● Form planning and implement annual budgeting.
● Determine the priority and expediency of future improvements to the Data Driven
approach system.
● Control the quality, completeness and timeliness of responses to inquiries.
● Control the tender's procurement.
● Form the region departments in 8 regions, support department (B2B, B2G).
References: Director Nazar Golodgun
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
11.2015 - 06.2017 Сhief Мedical Оfficer: Konkordia-Lviv LLC (ТМ Angel Turboty)
09.2012 - 07.2018 Head of the department OB/GYN: Сollege Medyk LLC
Activity and Work exp. (Part-time):
09.2015 - 08.2019 Obstetrician-gynecologist, 3rd City Clinical Hospital
10.2012 - 01.2014 Medical representative of Rx, Teva Ukraine LLC
09.2015 - 06.2017 Department of Health of Lviv “Council of Young Doctors of Lviv”
Languages ● Ukrainian – C2
● English – B2
● Polish – B2
Programming Developer skills:
Languages and ● SQL, JavaScript.
● KOBO, Google Documents, BB Platforms, Management digital systems

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