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Системний адміністратор

24 years
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1. Contacts
Name: Ivan Vinichuk
Telegram: ivan_vinichuk
Email: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Mobile: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

2. Key skills.
Впевнений користувач ПК. Маю навички в роботі з мережевим обладнанням.. Працював з VPS/VDS Linux серверами.

3. My stack of technology.
OS: Linux(Ubuntu,Debian,CentOS)
Web-Servers: Apache/Nginx
Panels: Cpanel, ISP-manager, Vesta, Hestia
Mail Service: MailCow
Network Protocols: TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, VPN, FTP, SSH, Telnet, MQTT
Network Equipment: Cisco(basic configuration), Mikrotik, TP-Link-D-Link(Wlan, Wifi, Forwarding ports, DDNS).
Cloud services: AWS, Azure, Google Console,Linode
Writing a script: Python, Bash
Firewall: Iptables, Fail2Ban
Containerization: Docker
Virtualization: Proxmox
Configuration management system: Ansible

4. Education.
2017- 2020 – TK TNTU: Computer Engineering
Courses in Cisco: CyberSecurity

5. Work.
Freelance exchange: Flelancehunt
From May 2022 to now

6. Languages.
Ukrainian – native
English – reading the technical documentation

7. Personal skills.
Швидко навчаюсь.
Спокійний, врівноважений.
Без шкідливих звичок.

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