Resume from May 22, 2024 File


Front-end програміст

19 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:

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[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) GitHub: Vlas-Pravsha
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Telegram: Vlaasss


● Front-end Technologies: React, TypeScript, Next.js, JavaScript
● State Management: Redux-Toolkit
● Styling: SCSS, Tailwind, CSS in Js
● Form Handling: React Hook Form
● Version Control: Git
● UI/UX Design: Figma
● Markup Language: HTML



● Developed multiple dashboards for cryptocurrency data using data retrieved via
RESTful API queries. Designed various types of visualizations including linear,
columnar, and circular charts.
● Implemented forms with validation using React Hook Form and facilitated data
submission via POST requests.
● Utilized SCSS for styling and created a responsive sidebar with dropdown navigation
elements using Next.js.
● Displayed lists of products and users in tabular formats.
● Managed application state using Redux Toolkit.
● Ensured version control and collaboration using GitHub.
● The entire project was typed in TypeScript for enhanced code quality and
● Ensured cross-device compatibility for a seamless user experience.

● I developed the application using React, TypeScript and SCSS, as well as React Hook
Form.This project is fully responsive, ensuring a seamless user experience across all
● The application receives data from the backend and presents it in the form of user
profiles that can be changed by clicking on a button.
● I also implemented a form using React Hook Form, which includes validation of the
entered data. The entered data is sent to the backend and displayed in a modal
● It is worth noting that the entire project was carefully typed in TypeScript to
improve code quality and maintainability.

● Retrieved a list of users through GET requests and displayed them in the application.
● Implemented complex server-side operations using Next.js to optimize performance and
enhance data handling.
● Implemented sorting functionality for categories, search, and filtering by birthday
and date of registration.


Here is my personal portfolio website, accessible at the following link.

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