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Front-End developer

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Frontend developer who is ready to fulfill any order perfectly. For the last year I have
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
been working in the team of REDWING STUDIO, LLC, developing projects using
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) JavaScript, Laravel, PHP, HTML, CSS, SCSS. I also have almost a year of
experience learning and working with React and Node.js. I have a bachelor's degree
in cybersecurity from LSTU. I have learned the basics of C and C++. I am interested
in learning Angular, Vue.js, React native. I quickly learn new skills. My English level
is B2, I like to read books in English and have many interesting hobbies. I am exactly
Ukraine the specialist you are looking for.
Ready to work remotely

JavaScript ,Typescript
React, Laravel Frontend developer REDWING STUDIO, LLC
Basic PHP
Node.js While working for the company, I developed the frontend part for the following
HTML5, CSS3, Sass (SCSS), BEM, websites:
Bootstrap, Bulma a website for the company I worked for
Fetch, REST API, SQL a hotel website with the possibility of booking rooms and choosing a sun
Figma Git/Github, VSCode, Chrome lounger by the pool for booking it,
Developer Tools (incl. React), NPM a website with a catalog of concerts,
Algorithms: Solved 125 katas on a website for a cosmetics store.
CodeWars I also made a landing page for a franchise of a large company and was involved in
Basic OOP, basic C/C++ many other projects.
Responsible At the beginning of my work, I quickly learned and immediately started working with
Good time management the Laravel framework, and I also got acquainted and learned to work with PHP. I
Adaptability also had experience with React and deepened my knowledge to learn React Native.
Problem-solving You can see all the projects that were made during the work by clicking on the link
REDWING STUDIO, LLC. I was involved in the creation of the websites you will see

EDUCATION JavaScript, Laravel, PHP, HTML, SCSS, BEM, Figma, Github, VS Code, React
Lutsk National Technical NICE GADGETS Group project

University Demo
2020-2024 GitHub
Speciality “Cybersecurity” React, TypeScript, Node.js, HTML, SCSS, BEM, Figma, Github, VS Code,

Junior specialist
TODO APP Individual project
Volyn Professional College of
Culture and Arts GitHub
React, TypeScript, HTML, SCSS, BEM, Github, VS Code
Junior specialist`s diploma with honors -
cellist, orchestra artist, teacher of children's
music school

LANGUAGES Full stack - Mate academy 100 Algorithmic Tasks
HTML&CSS - FreeCodeCamp Typing speed: 48 WPM
English: B2 WEB-Developer 2022 - Udemy Amigurumi crocheter Piano
German: A1 Introduction to Cybersecurity, and cello player
Cybersecurity Essentials, Linux Play chess
Unhatched - Netacad Read 20 books per year

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