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Системний адміністратор

33 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Remote, Vinnytsia

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Mykhailo Oleshchuk
System Administrator

Vinnytsia, Ukraine
e-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Telegram: @mykhailo_ol
Tel: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Linkedin: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

● Installing, configuring and supporting Windows/Linux services;
● Basic knowledge of the network: VLAN, DHCP, TCP/IP, NAT, DNS, VPN, OpenVPN;
● Basic knowledge of setting up Routers, Switches, Firewall, AD;
● Remote administration via the Internet: TeamViewer, AnyDesk, RDP, SSH;
● Basic knowledge in web development: php, html/css;
● Experience with Google Workspace, Proxmox, Git VCS, AWS;
● English - Intermediate.


System Administrator/User Support
September 2023 - February 2024
Parallax Software Solutions GmbH

- Working with Google Workspace, web hosting, VDS, AWS;
- Installing, configuring and supporting Windows servers;
- Configuring AD;
- Configuring video cameras;
- Providing technical support of the company's employees;
- Diagnosting and fixing up PC troubles.

System Administrator/User Support
July 2021 - August 2023
7th Space GmbH

- Installing, configuring and supporting Windows servers and Steam/Steam VR services;
- Configuring AD;
- Configuring video cameras;
- Providing technical support of the company's employees;
- Diagnosting and fixing up PC troubles.

February 2021 - June 2021

- Full development and technical support of the site ( http://tehnadzor.od.ua/ ).

System Administrator/User Support
January 2019 - February 2021

- Installing, configuring and supporting Windows servers and services;
- Configuring monitoring service sand troubleshooting problems;
- Providing technical support of the company's employees;
- Diagnosting and fixing up PC troubles.

Personal Computers Serviceman + Website Content Manager
June 2016- January 2019

-Add content(product) to web-site
-Writing SEO text
- Diagnosting and fixing up PC troubles;
- Installing and setting up OS and software.

Website Content Manager
June 2014- January 2016

-Add content(product) to web-site
-Writing SEO text

Website Content Manager
June 2014- January 2016

-Add content(product) to web-site
-Writing SEO text


● Vinnytsia National Technical University – Faculty of Computer Systems and
Automation, 2013.

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