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Kostyantyn Prokhorov Mr.
Date of birth the 7th of October 1985
Mob. Phone [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) (What’s App & Viber)
Email: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Location: Kyiv
Citizenship: Ukrainian
Ready for business trips

Work experience

January 2024 – till
Reform Support Team within the Ministry of
environmental protection and natural resources of

Senior Project Manager
Public Administration Reform

- Support and coordination of PAR process in the Ministry together with the State
Secretary and Ministry staff and central executive bodies that are subordinated to the
- Communication and coordination with leadership of the Ministry and donor community,
as well as other stakeholders on the PAR process in the Ministry;
- Analytical support to the Ministry in the preparation of bylaws to comply with the Law on
Administrative Procedure;
- Support to the Ministry on the development of strategic, annual plans of the Ministry and
central executive bodies that are subordinated to the Ministry, monitoring the
implementation of these strategies and plans;
- Data and information gathering, data integration and analysis related to PAR;
- Drafting of evidence- based policy and legal reform proposals in compliance with OECD
- Support to training and capacity building within the Ministry and the RST;
- Organizational support to the RST in the area of PAR, including but not limited to events,
round tables, conferences and forums to engage stakeholders on key reform themes and
policy proposals;
- Preparation of timely and quality reports and status updates on implementation progress
in the area of PAR;
- Preparation of slides for presentations, infographics on the reform implementation
- Providing English- Ukrainian translation support (upon request).
November 2019 – Reform Support Team within the State Customs Service
December 2024

Senior Expert,
Public Administration Reform

- Active engagement in the recruitment process of key staff to the Customs Service
- Creation of On-boarding Plan for the newcomers
- Support of the KPI system creation
- Engagement into different activities aimed to strengthen the HR Brand
- HR Strategy Action Plan implementation
- Development of documentation needed to Implement qualified HR processes
- Translation work (simultaneous and written)
- Implement PAR strategy elements into the work of State Customs Service
- Analysis of the world’s best practices and State Customs Service needs to implement
those practices into the working process
- Automation of the working processes

Goals: Managed to select & recruit in cooperation with Coordination & Monitoring
Customs Director enough personnel (30%) to establish new Customs Department from
scratch; HR Strategy and its Action Plan were successfully implemented; performed
humanitarian projects successfully, like retreat project “Ukrainian Little Heroes” aimed to
provide a short vacation in European Countries for the children who suffered mostly from
the Russian invasion.

March 2019 — Supramarine
October 2019

Sales Manager
- Sales of services provided by the company
- Work with 1C database, communication with clients, phone calls and meetings
- Calculation and compilation of commercial offers
- Request needed information from sea lines
- Work with receivables

November 2018 — Advance Management Platform
February 2019

Project Manager
- Sales of services provided by the company (business training programs)
- Work with CRM database, communication with clients, phone calls and meetings
- Educational process supervision
- Educational programs compilation and moderation of the educational processes
- Budgeting
- Feedback provision to the students and their supervisors
- Coaching sessions organization process
- Interaction with lecturers and coaches

June 2015 — Different retail businesses
September 2018

HR Manager, HR Director
- Managing HR team (5-7 people): business trainers, HR record keeper and recruiters
- Implementation of recruitment plans
- Search & Selection process execution for front and back office positions
- HR records keeping
- Supervising training processes
- Training materials development
- HR procedures development
- Performing payroll fund optimization projects
- Performed motivation system for the front office
- Developing KPI for the front and for the back office's employees
- Supervising S&S process
- HR records keeping
- Teambuilding events management
- HR budgeting responsibility
- Conflict resolution
Goals: Improved knowledge level of cashier's and other employees; developed KPI for the
front and back office employees; restored HR records keeping from the company's start of
work; recruited more than 20 people for back office during 6 month's period; translated
training materials; established hiring process for front office (stores in Almaty and regions.)

January 2015 — HR Consulting company
June 2015

Director, founder (self-employed)
- Searching for the clients
- Performing Search & Selection Projects
- Headhunting from Ukraine, Russian Federation for the TOP managers
- Contributing with HR experts from CIS
Goals: Successfully performed a scope of search & selection projects

April 2012 — HILL International Kazakhstan
December 2014

Deputy Director
- Search & negotiation with clients
- Communication & Negotiation with Clients
- Development & Evaluation services execution
- Recruitment, headhunting for different positions in various areas of business
(pharmaceutics, FMCG, electrical equipment, finance, etc.) - successfully closed 95% of
total number of all vacancies.
- Performing candidate expertise and HILL Competence Analysis© test results
- Structured interview conducting
- Reporting
Goals: Managed to provide successfully testing services for “A” corps candidate’s pool;
successfully closed TOP Manager’s positions within different international and local
companies; started a Career Planning Activity with Nazarbayev University students.

November 2011 — Kazakhmys
April 2012

HR Manager
-Search and selection of the candidates
-Direct search
-Work with expats
-Cooperation with international recruiting agencies
-Optimization of HR department work
-Control of HR specialists activities
Goals: Headhunted TOP Managers for TOP positions.

November 2008 — HILL International Kazakhstan
November 2011
Senior Consultant
- Forming the search strategy for external recruiting
- Search for the new clients, making the database of possible clients
- Calculation and controlling the procedures of appraisal and bonuses
- Search and selection personnel of top and middle management levels
- Making expertise based on the results of authorized HILL testing system (HILL
Competence Analysis©) and interview appraisal
- Making the budget proposal for advertisement, work with media sources (internet and
- Making the advertisements
- Reporting to the HQ
- Making Direct Search, headhunting (performing the list of competitive companies, “cold”
phone calls, re-motivation)
- Analysis of competitor’s activity
- Negotiations with clients
- Salary surveys
- Marketing analysis.
Goals: fulfilled difficult TOP managers positions; found new clients; increased value of the
company despite economic crisis period.

July 2007 — HILL International Ukraine
October 2008

HR Expert
- Search for the candidates
- Evaluation and selection process
- Interview
- Profile writing
- Testing

Higher Education
2002 - 2008 Кyiv International University
International economic relations, Management of external economic activity

Key skills
Languages Ukrainian – Native
English - Fluent
Russian – Fluent
German - Basic
Japanese - Basic

Skills Executive Search Candidate's evaluation Assessment center Customer Service
Budgeting Team management Organization management Talent Management
Personnel management Negotiation skills Project management Teambuilding
Recruitment E-learning Training & Development HR Records Sales Management
CRM Presentation skills PC (experienced user)
About me Reading, going in for sports (yoga, gym, BJJ), self-education, travelling, filming

Honesty, responsibility, punctuality, well organization, logical thinking, ability to analyze
large volumes of information, loyalty.

Will be given upon request

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