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Front-end Developer

23 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Lviv, Remote

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Oleh Orenchuk
Junior Front-End Engineer

Executive Summary
● Include your overall working experience. Overall 2 years of work experience.
● List your major technical skill. Developing and launching web services using React
(Redux/Context/Zustand/Hooks) with Python/Firebase Back-end API creation and database
management, algorithm development.
● Proactive and self-motivated team member. Skilled in project management, multitasking and
prioritizing competing deadlines.

Technical Skills

Skill Category Skill List

Programming Languages JavaScript(ES6+), TypeScript, Python



Web React.js, Next.js, react-router-dom, react-query/axios, react-
hook-forms , zustand/redux, Tailwind CSS, Material UI, HTML
& CSS, SASS/SCSS, Styled-Components, CSS Modules,
Socket.io, Django/Flask, DRF(Django Rest), SQLAlchemy,
alembic, Django ORM, Firebase.

Operating Systems Windows, MacOS

Development Tools WebStorm, PyCharm, MySQLWorkbench, phpMyAdmin,
Mamp, pgAdmin, github, eslint, prettier, postman

Verticals Computer Science, Data Science, AI.

Other Agile, Kanban, Trello, Scrum, Vercel, Netlify, Heroku,
Amazon RDS, git, Docker


Certification Category Certification Grade/Remarks

Databases and SQL for Data Coursera/Grade Achieved: 88.34%
Science with Python
Full-Stack Web Development Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap 4
with React Front-End Web Development with React Server-side
Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB.
Coursera/Grade Achieved: 100%

Design and Build a Data Coursera/Grade Achieved: 97.18%
Warehouse for Business
Intelligence Implementation

The Complete JavaScript Udemy/75% Completed
Course 2022: From Zero to

Foreign Language Skills

Language Written Spoken
English upper-intermediate intermediate

Training Programs
Program Name Python Web.
Date(s) Attended January 2022
Status Completed.
Provider SoftServe
Description Tech train with Python backend features and some frontend using
pure JS, HTML & CSS

Institution Lviv Polytechnic National University
Date(s) Attended September 2019 - June 2024
Qualification(s) Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/ Artificial Intelligence

Professional Experience

Company GromEstate

Duration September 2023 – Present

Role FullStack Dev

Project A complete website for real estate

Responsibilities ● front-end layout + front-end logic
● back-end with Firebase queries
● NoSQL database management
● project`s management

Technologies Typescript, React/Next.JS, Firebase, Zustand, Styled-Components, Git

Company Freelance Web Developer

Duration December 2022 – Present

Role FullStack Dev/A well-rounded programmer

Project Executed over 40 diverse small web projects and many more algo / AI /
database tasks

Responsibilities ● front-end design + front-end logic
● back-end API creation
● database management
● project`s management
● algorithm processing and simple code writing for algo tasks
● AI tasks (like predictions based on input dataset and some features)

Technologies JavaScript/TypeScript, React, Python, PHP, C++/C, SQL, NoSQL, HTML &
CSS, Styled-Components/ Material UI/ Bootstrap, Django/Flask, DRF, REST
API, git

Company Local Startup

Duration January 2022 - November 2022

Role Frontend Dev

Project School Web Service for memory training

Responsibilities ● add fragments of code for logic
● website layout with styled-components
● dark/light theme logic and layout
● writing chat room with socket.io
● fetching API requests by axios

Technologies JavaScript/TypeScript, React, HTML & CSS, Styled-Components, axios,
react-router-dom, socket.io, git

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