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Frontend Developer

18 years
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Frontend Developer
E [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
q http://[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)  Warsaw, Poland

Junior Software Developer Frontend Developer with expertise in React.js,
Node.js, and Angular. Experienced in
Intapp developing interactive web applications that
06/2023 - 02/2024 Kyiv, Ukraine enhance user experience. Seeking to bring
• Developed interactive web applications using React.js, enhancing technical skills and creative problem-solving to
user experience and engagement. a dynamic development team.
• Assisted in improving data security by integrating authentication and
authorization methods in Node.js and Express.js.
Supported the development and maintenance of customer

relationship management and data analysis tools, contributing to
more efficient operations.
React.js Node.js Angular

EDUCATION Express.js

Student, Computer Science
Vistula University FIND ME ONLINE
10/2023 - Present Warsaw, Poland
• Developed and implemented web applications using HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript.
 Linkedin
http://[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
• Gained experience in working with databases, including designing 8691502b8/
and optimizing SQL queries.
• Took part in group projects, enhancing teamwork and time
management skills.  Github

English Polish
Advanced Advanced

Russian Ukrainian
Proficient Native

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