
Business development manager, 50 000 UAH

33 years

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Work experience

Business development manager

from 08.2022 to 06.2023 (10 months)
Axela, Київ (Маркетинг, реклама, PR)

Working with crypto/forex vertical (Tier1,2,3)
search and attraction of new partners
coordination of deals at all stages of development, control of implementation and completion deadlines
client-relationship management
tracking new market and emerging trends
proposing and developing new strategic partnerships
writing proposals for future plans
Researching new ways to market our product

Senior affiliate manager

from 12.2017 to 09.2021 (3 years 9 months)
WinWin Media, Київ (Маркетинг, реклама, PR)

Working with crypto, betting, gambling verticals (Tier1,2,3)

Audit and improvements for current affiliate strategy to grow revenue and achieve business goals;

Reaching goals, building roadmaps and setting priorities for the department;

Planning partner coverage, improving market positioning and branding;

Planning and implementation of promotion strategy for existing and new markets;

Analysis of Revshare, CPA and hybrid models, their optimization according to KPI;

Monitoring of Daily, Weekly, Monthly reports;

Interaction with other departments to improve customer engagement and profitability;

Industry events participation in order to attract new partners and improve the brand image.

Projects manager

from 09.2014 to 04.2017 (2 years 7 months)
4ex-up, Kyiv (Forex, Binary Options)

In fact, was working as a crisis Manager and Business development leader. Managed sales and marketing business team (30 persons). Developed department structure, business processes, worked out KPIs, motivation system, personnel training system. Participated in budgeting, developing of company's budget (sales and marketing costs and profits), as well as further monitoring. Rearranged customers base, created new customer's relationship system, business policies, customers service standards. Rearranged product portfolio, based on business effectiveness, managed involving of new brands. Business team has shown sales growth up to 250K USD.

Account manager

from 01.2014 to 10.2014 (9 months)
Noosphere Ventures, Киев (IT)

Making cold phones;
To provide them with company profile and services;
Consulting of client database regarding financial trading;
To guide them through how to use on-line trading platforms and offer educational packages;
Motivating of clients to start cooperation (investment) ;
Making sale reports;


National University of State Tax Service of Ukraine

Faculty of Finance and Banking; Specialization: Financial Markets, Ирпень
Higher, from 2008 to 2013 (5 years)

Knowledge and skills

  • MS Office
  • Пользователь Internet
  • Битрикс24
  • Google
  • Oracle Siebel CRM
  • IS-Card
  • Сервисы Google
  • Cisco
  • Spot2D
  • Spot2R
  • Агент Плюс
  • Опыт работы в должности менеджера по продажам
  • Отличное знание рынка
  • Управление мотивацией клиента и персонала
  • Умение составить грамотное коммерческое предложение
  • Ведения деловых переговоров с первыми лицами компании
  • Наличие действующей клиентской базы

Language proficiencies

English — fluent

Additional information

Креативный способ мышления. Способный видеть ситуацию как целое, и на основе этого правильно расставить ударения на деталях.
Последовательный, деятельный, организованный и ответственный. Трудолюбив и сообразительный - способен не только быстро абсорбировать высокий объём новых знаний и навыков, но и внедрить их практически. К проблемам приступаю активно и по возможности превентивно.
Высокая организованность и работоспособность, нацеленность на результат, способность довести дело до конца, коммуникабельность, не конфликтность, стрессоустойчивость, гибкость и умение быстро перестраиваться, честность, лояльность.

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