
Переводчик-референт английского языка, 8 000 UAH

Full-time, part-time.
49 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Donetsk, Remote

Contact information

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Work experience

Менеджер по общим вопросам

from 09.2019 to 07.2020 (10 months)
Международная компания. Стартап, Лос-Анджелес (услуги населению/удаленная)

1. Поиск и анализ информации в интернете по различным направлениям, связанным с проектами (оказание различных услуг) с использованием знания английского языка и правильная подача этой информации.
1.1.Поиск бадов, лекарств и других товаров потребления по заданным критериям на различных платформах электронной коммерции ( Amazon, ebay. Aliexpress)
1.2. Нахождение интернет-площадок для постинга под определенные цели.
1.3. Поиск и подбор фотографий и видео материалов по конкретным параметрам и критериям для заполнения сайта определенной направленности.
1.4. Поиск с целью бронирования авиабилетов по заданным критериям
1.5 Поиск нужных контактных данных различных организаций.

2. Написание сопроводительных и презентационных писем (cover letters) в различные организации на английском языке.

3.Работа над продвижением проектов различной направленности на различных платформах

4. Взаимодействие с сотрудниками компании по самым разным направлениям.

5. Работа в системе Битрикс. Написание ежедневных отчетов.

Комьюнити- менеджер

from 07.2018 to 08.2019 (1 year 1 month)
Facebook, Donetsk (информационная/реклама/удаленная)

ведение женского и кулинарного журналов( групп) в Facebook. Комментирование постов и ответы на комментарии подписчиков с целью увеличения числа подписчиков и поддержания их активности и заинтересованности.
Работа с менеджерами групп (информирование их об ошибках в публикациях( в контенте) и др.Работа с репутацией виртуальных интернет-журналов. Отработка, нивелирование негатива(перевод негатива в позитив). Анализ статистики. Понимание развития бизнеса с использования соц сетей,специфики и требований в Facebook
Понимание особенностей и современных тенденций в сфере интернет-маркетинга и интернет-рекламы;
Достижение: сотни подписчиков групп заговорили моими словами)

English tutor by Skype

from 09.2015 to 07.2018 (2 years 10 months)
Private English lessons by Skype, Donetsk (education/remote)

I have been working as a private tutor for 20 years. I have my own methodology and teaching program that focuses on the needs of students. I am working with different categories of students: pupils, students, university students, adults.
Methods of teaching is effective and I use it for a long time.
A brief and general outline of this methodology: 1.The central place is given to speaking and listening skills (using of audio and video materials)

2. Grammar is from simple to complex

3. Constant work on pronunciation

4. Vocabulary (there isn't any cram of new words:

we learn new words and phrases in the context )

5. The training of reading and writing skills

The lessons are not boring, not tedious, full of useful information and effective.

Account Manager

from 01.2015 to 08.2015 (7 months)
Social network for collectors, Donetsk (Internet/remote)

Involvment of customers / subscribers to the website with the use of social networks (Facebook), forums for collectors. internet stores and other online resources.
Understanding of business development with the use of social networks, the specificity and requirements on Facebook
Understanding of the characteristics and current trends in the field of internet marketing and online advertising;
Negotiation skills / conversation with potential clients in English with a purpose of involving of them to the web-based resource.
The increase in attendance of the resource (traffic) is achieved.

Regional Manager

from 01.2003 to 09.2018 (15 years 8 months)
international marriage agency, Donetsk (public services/remote)

1. Database management. Uploading questionnaires with information of clients to international dating sites.
2. The translation of letters from Russian into English and from English into Russian. Controlling the work of translators, teaching them the correct compilation of presentation letters for clients and the rules of conducting successful correspondence with foreign men.
3. The communication with existing customers by phone. looking for new clients
4. Work with correspondence, help in chat communication
5. Internet advertising
6. Marketing and promotion services
7. Work with computer programs for photo editing
8. The formation of stable partnerships with dating services around the world
9. The decision of financial problems
10. Creation of own dating site in English in MS Front Page.Text content, photos and data (text) for site, site update, edition of text and photos.

English language tutor

from 02.1996 to 11.2008 (12 years 9 months)
Private English lessons, Donetsk (Education and science)

I gave English lessons students (grades 1-11) with the use of computer training programs and Internet-based technologies


from 09.1994 to 11.2000 (6 years 2 months)
Humanitarian organization from Belgium S O S Ukraine, Izegem (humanitarian assistance to the disabled societies)

Searching of recipients of humanitarian supplies, assistance in translation of cargo accompanying documents and correspondence in English, interpreting, distribution of aid among the needy sections of the population (the disabled companies)

Software Engineer in the Department of operation and maintenance of computers

from 08.1991 to 12.1998 (7 years 4 months)
Sectional Information Centre of Donetsk, Donetsk (public services)

1. I define the information to be processed by means of computer technology, its size, structure, and an input circuit, processing, storage and output methods for its control.
2. I make a choice of programming language for describing algorithms and data structures.
3. I performed the work in preparation for debugging and debug.
4. I realize start-established programs and input of initial data, defined by the conditions of tasks.
5. I spent the adjustment programs developed by analyzing the output data.
6.I developed to work with a program of instructions designed the necessary technical documentation.
7. I determined the possibility of using ready-made software products.
8. I realize support implementation of programs and software.

Software engineer IT department and CAD

from 03.1991 to 08.1991 (5 months)
Design and Construction Association Donetsk city building Plant. The first control of project works., Donetsk (Construction, architecture, interior design)

Based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving the economic and other problems, I developed a program that provides the ability to perform the algorithm. Accordingly, the task of computer technology means, I spent testing and debugging it.

Software Engineer of Design Department

from 08.1987 to 03.1991 (3 years 7 months)
Production Association "Novokramatorsky Machine-Building Plant". The design department for design and research of the drive., Kramatorsk (mechanical engineering)

I developed a problem solving technique on all stages of information processing.


Donetsk National Technical University

Computer Information Technologies, Донецк
Higher, from 1982 to 1987 (4 years 9 months)

in addition to the faculty of Computer Information Technologies I graduated from the Faculty of Social Professions on specialty translator of English (certificate available)

Additional education and certificates

Department of Social Professions at the Donetsk Polytechnic University with a degree in English language translator

1986 y 4 years (license)

Training engineers Automated control systems and computer-aided design. Kharkov Institute of Advanced Training, automated contro

1989 у ,6 months

Institutional Economics Moscow Higher School of Economics

2014, 3 months (intensive on-line course) Coursera certificate with honors course completion

Financial markets Yale University

2014, 8 weeks (intensive on-line course) in English

Introduction to Finance University of Michigan

2014, 15 weeks (intensive on-line course in English)

A set of tools for data processing specialists The Data Scientist's Toolbox

2015/2 months of intensive on-line course Johns Hopkins University (there is a certificate with honors course completion)

Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects University of California San Diego

2015 4-weeks of on-line course in English

Gamification University of Pennsylvania USA

2015/3 months intensive on-line course in English

Knowledge and skills

  • MS Word
  • PC User
  • Internet User
  • MS PowerPoint
  • MS Excel
  • Пользователь ПК
  • MS Outlook
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Windows
  • Internet Explorer
  • Пользователь Internet
  • Opera
  • Outlook Express
  • Google Chrome
  • Skype
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • Google
  • Adobe
  • Database
  • Express
  • Creation of blogs in Wordpress, their progress and acceleration
  • SEO optimization and promotion of articles
  • Analysis of site / blog competition
  • Work with Google Doc
  • Collecting & analysing of information(log-frame, frameworks, M&E
  • English writing skills
  • The ability to quickly find the information on the Internet
  • Working with text and pictures, using MS Office programs
  • Separate doing business with the use of internet tehnologies
  • Creation and population of a dating site in English
  • Search of foreign clients
  • Working with social networks (Facebook.VKontakte)
  • Создание блогов в Wordpress, их продвижение(ускорение индексац)
  • SEO оптимизация и продвижение статей
  • Анализ конкурентов сайта/блога
  • Работа с Google Doc
  • Английский письменный
  • Умение быстро и качественно находить информацию в интенете
  • Работа с текстом и фотографиями,используя программы MS Office
  • Самостоятельное ведение бизнеса с использованием интенет-техноло
  • Создание и наполнение сайта знакомств на английском языке
  • Работа с соц сетями(Facebook.ВКонтакте)
  • Умение быстро и качественно находить информацию в интернете
  • Работа с текстом и фотографиями, используя программы MS Office
  • Самостоятельное ведение бизнеса с использованием инт.технологий
  • Интернет-реклама(поиск иностранных клиентов)
  • Интернет-реклама(поиск потенциальных клиентов)
  • Самостоятельное ведение бизнеса с использованием интернет технол
  • Работа с текстом и фотографиями с использованием прогр.MS Office
  • Интернет-реклама(поиск иностранны клиентов)

Language proficiencies

  • Ukrainian — fluent
  • English — advanced

Additional information

No bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle, married, hobbies: psychology. dietetics. esoterics, sports (aerobics, orbitrek, swimming, hiking), traveling, reading, the active Internet user.
Personal qualities: responsibility, a tendency to analytical activity, the ability to focus on the main; punctuality; decency; thoroughness; I work creatively; flexibility of thinking; perseverance; conscientious performance of tasks, self-control, the ability to learn, focus on results; attention to detail; self-criticism; discipline; absence of conflict;

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