
Administrative director, Personal Assistant to CEO, Studio control manager for online casino

43 years

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Work experience

Studios remote control manager

from 06.2016 to 10.2023 (7 years 4 months)
Online casinos XPG provider, Київ (IT)

Main responsibilities:
- preparation and conducting of trainings on professional development for casino dealers and inspectors;
- dealers individual coaching;
- casino games brochure/manual development;
- dealers and inspectors work control;
- dealers work weekly reports preparation;
- evaluation and recommendations on dealers and inspectors work performance and casino in general;
- competitors work analysis and reports preparation;
- online casino exhibitions participance assistance;
- company CEO individual requests solution;
- administrative work.

English teacher

from 12.2015 to 06.2016 (6 months)
Private lessons of English, Київ (Освіта, наука)

Providing individual lessons


from 02.2015 to 09.2015 (7 months)
Cruise Liner “Island Princess” (Princess Cruises), Інші країни (Туризм)

Providing White Star professional services for the ship guests

Executive assistant to GM – Expat (Turkey)

from 12.2013 to 01.2015 (1 year 1 month)
LSG Sky Chefs Ukraine, Київ (Туризм)

Main responsibilities:
- GM's personal requests;
- business letters writing, including on behalf of GM;
- GM's meetings schedule creation and coordination;
- GM's working day planning;
- meetings preparation, meeting minutes writing;
- departments' managers tasks execution supervision;
- administrative issues and office needs solution;
- search for necessary information;
- consecutive translation;
- departments' managers and potential partners meetings conduction;
- company documents management;
- documents translation;
- incoming information receipt and further coordination;
- tickets and hotels booking;
- sometimes as a driver for GM.

Personal assistant to GM (Ukraine)

from 03.2013 to 12.2013 (9 months)
Unifresh LLC, Київ (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

Main responsibilities:
- employees work performance control;
- GM's personal requests;
- GM's working day planning;
- business correspondence;
- GM's meetings arrangement and coordination;
- minutes preparation, meetings docs preparation;
- consecutive translation;
- documents translation;
- administrative matters execution;
- department submission by necessary things;
- tickets and hotels booking;
- information search;
- sales and expenses tables compiling and maintaining;
- new partners search;
- goods import arrangement.

Personal Assistant to the Board Director- Expat (Czech Republic)

from 03.2009 to 03.2013 (4 years)
METRO Cash & Carry Ukraine, Київ (Роздрібна торгівля)

Main responsibilities:
- director accompany on business trips;
- director's personal requests;
- director's working day planning;
- business correspondence;
- director's meetings arrangement;
- department meetings participation, minutes preparation;
- employees work performance control;
- consecutive translation;
- documents translation;
- administrative matters resolution;
- department submission by necessary things;
- tickets and hotels booking;
- sometimes as a driver for the director.

Personal assistant to GM (Ukraine)

from 12.2008 to 02.2009 (2 months)
Sova Holding, Київ (Фінанси, банки, страхування)

Main responsibilities:
- employees work performance control;
- reports submission on the performed work;
- GM's working day planning;
- meetings arrangement, minutes preparation;
- docs translation;
- consecutive translation;
- necessary things office submission;

English teacher

from 06.2008 to 12.2008 (6 months)
Private English lessons and documents translation, Київ (Освіта, наука)

Private English lessons and documents translation


from 01.2008 to 06.2008 (5 months)
Cruise Liner “Queen Mary 2” (Cunard Line), Інші країни (Туризм)

Providing White Star professional services for the ship guests

Personal assistant to GM (Ukraine)

from 05.2007 to 12.2007 (7 months)
Viking Ukraine LLC (cruise company), Київ (Туризм)

Main responsibilities:
- documents translation;
- business correspondence;
- necessary information search;
- drafting of quarterly returns;
- foreign tourists assistance

English translator

from 12.2004 to 05.2007 (2 years 5 months)
National Transport Company LLC, Київ (Транспорт, логістика)

Main responsibilities:
- technical literature, mostly books translation from English;
- other documents translation: bookkeeping, contracts and agreements, etc;
- business correspondence;
- rendered assistance to GM

English teacher

from 09.2004 to 12.2004 (3 months)
Municipal management academy in Kiev, Київ (Освіта, наука)

Conducted team and individual teaching of English for students

English teacher

from 09.2003 to 03.2004 (6 months)
Institute of postgraduate education in Kiev, Київ (Освіта, наука)

Conducted team and individual teaching of English for students

English teacher

from 08.2002 to 04.2003 (8 months)
Kiev transport-economic technical college, Київ (Освіта, наука)

Conducted team and individual teaching of English for students


Nezhin State Pedagogical University named after Nikolai Gogol

Foreign languages faculty, English teacher, Ніжин
Higher, from 1998 to 2003 (5 years)

Lyceum attached to NSPU named after Nikolai Gogol

Secondary, from 1996 to 1998 (2 years)

Foreign languages faculty

Knowledge and skills

  • Пользователь ПК
  • MS Office
  • Чесність
  • Комунікабельність
  • Ресторанне обслуговування
  • Відповідальність
  • Здатність до навчання
  • Ведення документації
  • Привітність
  • Організованість
  • Грамотна усна та письмова мова
  • Оперативність
  • Уміння користуватись оргтехнікою
  • Неконфліктність
  • Тайм менеджмент
  • Гибкость
  • Умение работать с большим объемом информации
  • Организаторские способности
  • Организация различного рода мероприятий
  • Знання офісних програм

Language proficiencies

  • Ukrainian — fluent
  • Russian — fluent
  • English — above average
  • Bulgarian — above average

Additional information

Obtained experience and knowledge are stimulating me for searching the new career opportunities: to work in the constantly developing company, to efficiently use the obtained skills for the company benefit, to become the best personal assistant; further personal and professional development to become an administrative director of the company.


Honest, decent, literacy competence, communicable, highly organized, punctual, disciplined, team worker, responsible, attentive to details, genial, organizing skills, ability to keep official secret, active, flexible, ability to work under pressure and fulfil several tasks at a time, stress tolerance, quick learner, ready for irregular working hours, without bad habits.


Time management, business letters writing, contracts and agreements preparation, flexibility, multitasking, managerial abilities, consecutive interpretation, administrative issues solution.

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