
Financial analyst

38 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Kyiv, Remote, Zhytomyr

Contact information

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Knowledge and skills

  • MS Office
  • Знання офісних програм
  • Бухгалтерський облік
  • Парус
  • Prozorro
  • DZO
  • Уміння аналізувати
  • Формування зведених таблиць
  • Фінансове планування
  • Аналітичне мислення
  • Здатність до навчання

Additional information

Novykov Vitalii
City of residence: Zhytomyr
Marital status: married
Contact phone:[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
e-mail:[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)


• Educational institution: Lviv Commercial Academy
Degree: IV, master
Name of specialty: Economic cybernetics
Training period: September 2003 - May 2008
• KU "Regional Clinical Hospital. OF Gerbachevsky ”of the Zhytomyr regional council
Position: accountant, deputy chief accountant
Period of work: April 2009 - January 2013
- material accounting
- keeping the general ledger

• KU "Center for Emergency Care and Disaster Medicine" Zhytomyr Regional Council
Position: chief accountant
Period of work: January 2013 to January 25, 2019.
- conducting financial and economic activities, etc.
- conducting tenders
- analytics of the institution
- economic activity of the institution
- solutions in the course of work, various problems in financial and economic activities, etc.
• Ukrainian Truck Community LLC
Position: Head of Tender and Contract Department
Period of work: August 2019 - April 2020
- preparation of tender documentation
- participation in the procurement procedure as a participant
-- preparation for signing contracts
- conducting economic activity
- sale of goods

• Lyceum №25, Zhytomyr
Position: Public Procurement Specialist
Period of work: January 2021 till now
- Preparation of procurement procedures (tenders)
- Publication of the procedure in the Transparent system
- Verification of documents of bidders - determination of the winner, conclusion of the contract and control over it.

Skills and abilities
• Ability to work with a large amount of information. Analysis and determination of the required information.
• Ability to make purchases and everything related to it.
• Knowledge of various programs: Agrosoft, Parus, office programs Microsoft Office, youtube, etc.
• Knowledge of tender legislation at a high level.
• Active participation in the financial activities of the Enterprise,
• Ability to work with people, identify the best qualities of the employee, and direct these qualities to improve the work process.
Additional Information

•Personal qualities. Sociability, logical thinking, purposefulness, the ability to work for results, is a constant desire for self-development.
• Knowledge of languages: Ukrainian - fluent
• Russian - free
• English - intermediate

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