Resume from November 16, 2022 PRO


HR generalist, Talent Manager

27 years

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Work experience


from 01.2021 to 10.2022 (1 year 9 months)
RaceID, Ужгород (IT)

- Assist in recruitment processes(partnership with recruiters), CVs screening, networking
- Conduct employee onboarding and help organize training & development initiatives
- Provide support to teammates (team of 25 talents) in various HR-related topics such as leaves and compensation and resolving any issues that may arise
- Undertake tasks around performance management (Engagedly), providing feedback
- Organize employee performance reviews together with PMs and CTO
- Maintain employee files and records in electronic form
- Enhance job satisfaction by resolving issues promptly, applying new perks and benefits and organizing team-building activities
- Building and leading Research Unit (8 members) aimed to foster insight into market conditions and determine new business opportunities;
- Deliver feedback on the overall progress of the Research Unit to the Salas Team.
As a Research Manager, I had to establish, agree and communicate standards of performance and behavior to the team members, set goals and priorities, develop team-working, and cooperation inside the Research Unit.

Besides, I helped the company to build a Customer Support Team. In the beginning, I was the only person doing support at the company.

Administrative activity manager/ PA

from 06.2019 to 12.2020 (1 year 6 months)
LLC Interfill, Ужгород (виробництво косметичних засобів та декоративної косметики)

- Schedule travel, appointments and meetings;
- Screen phone calls, emails, mail and visitors; route and resolve information requests.
- Act as a liaison between General Manager and employees;
- Greet and manage all visiting members and guests as well as handle all of their needs for the duration of their stay;
- On behalf of the company’s management, coordinate or resolve individual issues with the heads and employees of the structural units, controlling the execution of individual orders, tasks, and instructions of the company’s management; receive the necessary information and materials from them;
- Responsible for record keeping, work on correspondence addressed to company’s General Manager, preparing draft responses;
- Maintain exceptional standards in document preparation and enhancement;
- Perform other duties as may be required.

Conference Producer

from 11.2018 to 06.2019 (7 months)
Allan Lloyds Group, Ужгород (Events Services, Allan Lloyds is the world's leading provider of niche business conferences across multiple industries.)

- Organize the conferences within the established time frame. Ex.
- Understand the target market, create and plan an engaging conference agendas
- Source, identify and invite influential industry figures, contact relevant speakers that will attract paying delegates
- Assist in the logistic planning of the events
- Communicate with the speakers and source experts throughout the production cycle via phone, emails, and LinkedIn

Another event I worked on

On-the-job training program/Літнє стажування; виробнича практика

from 07.2018 to 10.2018 (3 months)
Studtmanns Gasthof, Sahrendorf, Deutschland (Готельно-ресторанний бізнес)

Customer Support Agent/Менеджер по роботі з клієнтами

from 11.2017 to 07.2018 (8 months)
"Сонорес Маркетинг ", Луцк (IT)

-Інструктаж і підтримка іноземних гравців/користувачів сайту через канали email зв'язку та в чатах;
-Прийом і обробка заявок на вирішення тех.проблем;
-Робота з верифікацією документів;
-Консультування гравців/користувачів сайту по
-Прийом і розгляд скарг в найкоротші терміни;
-Контроль і відстеження виплат.

Тренер з англійської мови

from 01.2017 to 10.2017 (9 months)
Школа іноземних мов"Vip Bees", Луцк (викладання, освіта)


Національний університет "Острозька академія"

Германські мові (переклад включно),, Острог
Higher, from 2017 to 2019 (1 year 5 months)


НаУ "Острозька академія"

Факультет романо-германських мов, Острог
Higher, from 2013 to 2017 (3 years 9 months)

Additional education and certificates

IT Рекрутер (Laba)


HR Manager (Laba)


Knowledge and skills

BASIC CRM Google Workspace HubSpot Intercom Jira MS Office Slack Trello Zendesk Zoom

Language proficiencies

  • English — advanced
  • German — average

Additional information

Я комунікабельна та ораганізована людина, і якщо беруся за справу, то докладаю всіх зусиль для досягнення найкращих результатів. Не боюся приймати рішення, у стосунках з людьми намагаюся досягнути компромісу. Робоче місце для мене означає розвиток, чіткість у виконанні обов'язків та приємна атмосфера з майбутніми колегами. Маю лідерські здібності та бажання працювати.

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