
Помощник директора, Account Manager (Customer Support)

36 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Other countries, Remote

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Work experience

Assistant of Director

from 12.2012 to now (11 years 9 months)
FMI, Одесса (Transport, Logistic, Financial segment)

Main tasks: to execute the orders and instructions of the director. The whole business communication with foreign partners such as audit companies, law firms, lawyers.
Communication with different kind of banks, financial institutions, payments service providers in order to organize the deep business relationship and partnership. Preparation of all the documentation in order to open a bank account, to establish a company onshore/offshore.

Organizing the business meetings with foreign bankers, potential foreign partners, with foreign law firms where I appeared as the assistant of director and a translator. Market research and analysis in a financial segment such as obtaining of a different kind of a financial licenses (payment service provider license, crypto exchange and wallet licenses). Partial preparation of a business plan for obtaining of a payment service provider license.

Secondary tasks: translation and creation of different kind of documents (contracts, agreements), supporting the accountant department in communication with audit company and VAT authorities in EU, making fund transfers using the online banking, solving the problems with banks such as lost transfer, wrong transfer etc. Testing of the company’s online crypto-exchanger. Passing of the check of online crypto-exchanger initiated by the bank acquire (check and correct the documentation such as AML policy, KYC policy, describing of the online crypto-exchanger work flow procedures), issuing of different kind of documents in order to fulfill the requests from bank acquirer.

Searching, finding and communicating with different bank acquirer for High-Risk business in order to establish a mutual profitable partnership etc.

Disponent, Account Manager, Customer Support

from 06.2012 to 12.2016 (4 years 6 months)
DKV EUROSERVICE GmbH (Transport and Logistics), Одесса (Transportation and logistics)

Manager, Support-Manager at the above-mentioned world-famous German company specializing in a service-fuel cards mostly for truck-vehicles.
Main tasks: Communication with a support department located in Germany (business correspondence, phone conferences). Supporting of all the current clients (Transport companies) of the DKV EUROSERVICE Ukrainian department. The customers were supported in two different ways:

Supporting of the Ukrainian customers (transport companies) in a different kind of documentation preparation. Give them a presentation of our products, business correspondence, phone communication, consultancy services etc.
Supporting the truck drivers on their way through EU countries, if they have problems with our service cards, if they have problems in communication with police (language), if they have some accidents or emergency situation.

The communication as the support manager were in 3 languages - German, English, Russian.
Secondary tasks: translating the different kind of documentation rus-ger-ger-ru. Collecting and gathering information about the competitive companies with a similar services, analyzing the market, the prices, the services. Travelling once a year to Germany for a meeting of all representative branches from all over the world. Experience exchange, trainings etc.

Assistant of Director, head of analytical department

from 09.2010 to 01.2012 (1 year 4 months)
JUPITER-7 LTD, Одесса (Business Services - other)

Main tasks: Travelling through EU and visiting building and construction EXPOs, communication with potential partners/customers/importers, gathering the whole information about new and innovative construction materials and raw materials.

Secondary tasks: business correspondence, business communication via phone/skype/etc. Execution of the director's every day new tasks such as gathering and analyzing the business offers for our business, analyzing the similar offer of the potential importers from EU and Asia, visiting construction factories, gathering the information about the production flow etc.

Project leading in a building business relationship with the automotive company IVECO s.p.a.
Deep communication (organizing of a several business meetings) with Iveco Czech Republic, Iveco Italy and Iveco Spain in order to build a direct import of bus chassis from Italian Automotive Factory to Ukraine. Appearing on all meeting as a translator of director between him and the speakers of Iveco (rus-english-english-rus)



Романо-Германская Филология, Одесса
Higher, from 2005 to 2010 (4 years 9 months)

Дипломированный специалист (Немецкий, Английский)

Realschule Stadtmitte

Mülheim an der Ruhr
Secondary, from 2000 to 2005 (4 years 9 months)

Language proficiencies

  • Russian — fluent
  • German — fluent
  • English — advanced

Additional information

Self - organized, result - oriented, quick- learning and stress - tolerant person with very strong communication skills. Searching for the new challenges to acquire new experience in different kind of business segments. A honest team player, and also good performer of the assigned orders, tasks etc.

Since the year 2000 I have a permanent residence permit in Germany.

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