
Purchasing manager

42 years

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Work experience

Procurement (purchasing) manager

from 06.2010 to 04.2022 (11 years 10 months)
Cherkassy Autochemistry Plant Ltd., Черкаси (Chemical industry)

Search and supply of the goods and raw materials according to the list of responsibilities inside of Ukraine and outside (import): chemical raw materials (like glycols, oils, glycerine and a lot of other chemicals), packaging materials, accessories, components, different technial staff, equipment etc.
Highly experienced in negitiations inside of Ukraine and abroad in complience with corporate demands like delat of payment, necessary delivery terms, etc.
Work from the name of the company iside of the EU, such as : representing of this company, negotiations, contracts, organizing of export outside of the EU to Ukraine from its name, etc.
Support of customs clearance in cooperation with company's broker (all about any import/customs documents).
Work in program 1C 8.2 (supply chain in managing accounting).

Work experience gave the ability to think systematically, gave better understanding of enterprise's structure, better understanding of departments' cooperation, production processes, how to optimyze the work and procedures, how to be better in formulation of tasks,
solid experience in understanding of work of the production company,


Cherkasy state technological university

Finances, Черкаси
Higher, from 1998 to 2003 (4 years 8 months)

Master of finances, graduated with honours

Knowledge and skills

  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • 1C
  • MS Office
  • MS Outlook
  • Windows
  • Водійські права кат. B
  • Здатність до навчання

Language proficiencies

  • Ukrainian — fluent
  • Russian — fluent
  • English — above average

Additional information

I am in search of something new and interesting in my life.
I am responsible, communicative, intelligent, smart, eager to learn, pressure-resistant, hard worker.

My hobbies are: medicine, veterinary, science etc.

I have drive license category B.

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