
Персональный ассистент

Full-time, part-time.
26 years

Contact information

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Knowledge and skills

  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • MS Office
  • MS PowerPoint
  • Пользователь Internet
  • Internet Explorer
  • Opera
  • MS Outlook
  • MS Access
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Email
  • Outlook Express
  • Google Chrome
  • WordPad
  • Веб-браузеры
  • Амиго
  • Express
  • Написание актов -претензий
  • Написание научных работ ,тез в сфере права
  • Физиогномист
  • Умение разрабатывать, проводить презентации в различных форматах
  • Написание Актов -претензий
  • Написание статей , тез в сфере права

Additional information

Work experience

Relationship manager

from 09.2020 to 02.2021 (5 months)
Gambling operator, Kiev (Gambling)

1. Management and development of long-term relationships with partners.
2. Search for partners.
3. Collection, formation of a complete package of documents, checking for correctness of their execution and transfer to partners.
4. Evaluation of the work of partners.

05. 2019-05.2020 (1 year )
Uvito ,Kyiv ,Ukraine
1.Providing legal advice to clients.
2.Preparation of documents and full support of clients during the registration of LLC.
3.Preparation of documents and full escort of foreign clients in obtaining a temporary residence permit.
4.Preparation of documents and organization of the procedure for obtaining a work permit.
5.Preparation of documents for identification tax number.
6.Opening a bank account for a legal entity.

Personal assistant CEO
04.2019-02.2020 (9months)
Al-Twaim, Jeddah , Saudi Arabia
1.Planning a General Director`s work day.
2.Organization of external and internal meetings.
3.Organization of business trips of the General Director in Europe and accompanying him.
4.Assistance during meetings, conferences.
5. Participation in the formation of the team and coordination of its daily activities;
6.Periodic participation in the project, control of its working aspects;
7.The solution within the competence of emerging production problems, if necessary, the connection of the resources of the main sponsor.

Travel assistant CEO
From 01.2018 to 02.2020 (2 years)
Raos Project Oy (Helsinki, Finland)
1. Preparation of the necessary information and documents;
2. Travel support (search and purchase of tickets, hotel booking, visa support) of the head;
3. Accompanying the head on foreign trips;
4. Implementation and control of orders of the head;
5.Keeping a manager's calendar;

(Turkish language)
03.2014 -2020 (6 years )
Freelance in Kyiv Ukraine , Helsinki Finland , Saint Petersburg Russia
1.Performing oral, written, full and abbreviated translations on time, while ensuring accurate compliance with the lexical, stylistic and semantic content, compliance with established requirements for scientific and technical terms and definitions;
2. Interpretation at negotiations of many foreign companies (IGA, Altwaim, Uvito);
3. Make international calls;
4.Translation of documents of various formats.
5. Maintenance and assistance of the first persons of the company foreigners.

HR manager
03.2019 - 07.2019 (4 months)
Master Mind Group, Kyiv Ukraine

1. Recruitment, selection and evaluation of applicants.
2. Interviewing candidates.
3. Drawing up a professiogram for each individual vacant seat.
4. Work with documents, drawing up employment contracts, the formation and accounting of personal files of employees, writing acts of claims.
5. Maintaining the official pages of the company on social networks.
6. Holding and participating in conferences, assistance with translation. (Russian-Turkish)
7. Labor market monitoring and analysis.

06.2016 - 08.2016 (2 months)
Medical and Cosmetic Center E-Cosmetology, Kyiv Ukraine
1. Fulfillment of orders and control over the execution of orders;
2. Meeting vip customers;
3. Record and initial consultation vip clients;
4. Maintaining internal documentation;
5. Executive Information Support

Yasser Altwaim
General Director , Al-Twaim, [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section), [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Evren Damyan
Partner and Advocate , Uvito [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section), [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

1.National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
Sociology and Law, Kyiv Ukraine
Specialization "Administrative and commercial law"
09.2018 - 05.2021
2. Kiev Professional Pedagogical College named after A. Makarenka
Jurisprudence, Kyiv Ukraine
Secondary special, from 09.2014 to 06.2018 (3 years 9 months)
Associate Lawyer
Professional and other skills
•Computer skills
Advanced user. Good command of MS Office (Access, Excel, Power Point, Word, WordPad), work with e-mail (Outlook Express). Confident work with different browsers (Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Amigo, Internet Explorer).
•Writing scientific papers, thesis in the field of law (4 years of experience).
•Writing acts of claims (3 years of experience)
•Physiognomist, diploma (2 years of experience)

Language skills
English – b2 intermediate
Russian – C1 effective operational proficiency
I can be interviewed in this language
Ukrainian – C1 effective operational proficiency
I can be interviewed in this language
Turkish –C1 effective operational proficiency
I can be interviewed in this language

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