Resume from September 2, 2023 File

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PPC Marketer

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Vasyl Samusiev

LinkedIn: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

PPC, Product Marketer (Remote, White-Hat)

I offer a customer acquisition system involving hot, warm and cold traffic. Also finding ideas of how to
develop your project further. This includes:
● brief marketing analysis of your niche;
● target audience research & segmenting;
● creating offers for each target segment;
● A/B testing your project offers for each segment.

It is always a partnership with you as a business owner. All you need is to know your niche well and help
your clients with their needs.

How we can work:
● you have a product/service with a landing page or a website;
● I ask you about your business, its uniqueness, advantages, competitors;
● then I develop a traffic system plan;
● firstly test the product on hot traffic;
● conversion optimizing and scaling of the hot traffic;
● adding warm and cold traffic;
● the budget for PPC campaigns is yours;
● I tell you every insight I figure out how to improve your product or marketing;
● we test and implement these ideas.

The average time for creating one ad campaign is 2 weeks. On your project, I can work individually or in
a team.

Disclaimer: I can guarantee the quality of my work, but neither a certain cost per lead nor many leads per
month. At the start, we test the niche and cut off everything with no results. The traffic may be expensive.
But later it becomes cheaper and ROI higher.


Web Developer & Media Buyer

(July 2015 - present)
Development of web applications with React/Redux.
PPC lead generation for my personal needs (education, small CPA projects, affiliate projects).

Tools: Google Ads, Facebook Ads.

Facebook Ads Media Buyer - Wild Nature Shoes
(August 9 - August 16, 2019)

The client was selling wild nature shoes directly from the landing page. There were many other online
stores with the same product.

We wanted to test how the landing page works and gather data for the conversion funnel building. I have
run 3 tests and during that period we got:
- 11 leads;
- total spent: $69.38;
- the average cost per lead (CPL): $6.31;

The allowed CPL was $6.16. The first campaign had CPL of $5.97, the second one was expensive: $8.95
per lead. After analysis, we saw that:
- men were buying better than women;
- people were interested more in shoe resistance to extreme conditions (e. g.: cuts, sharp surfaces,
- such shoe peculiarities as the material it is made of interested less.

In total, I was testing 3 images, 3 text variants. The third test was experimental and ran 2 video ads and 1
images gallery.

During the campaign run, Facebook Pixel was gathering 5 custom audiences for 3 additional remarketing
campaigns. I have also written an informational article that told about these shoes in detail and warmed
its readers up.

Google Adwords Consultant - Kids Camp

(May 2015 - June 2015)

Planning, creating and supporting Google Ads campaigns: Search, Display Network and Remarketing.

We had a limited time, about 1 month. However, during the first 30 days, we got 31 leads and saved
12.17% of the budget.

This kids camp was new on the market so I used only cold-warm keywords. There were no branded ones
at all; a very small amount of hot ones.

Campaigns support consisted mainly of:
- cleaning traffic with negative keywords;
- watching CPC, spendings on each ad group, so the daily traffic was stable;
- checking the number of leads and their costs.

PPC Lead Manager - Pets Goods Shop

(April 2015 - June 2015)
The client wanted to audit and support already running PPC campaigns in Google Adwords.

During 49 days we got 44 leads per $13,20 each. It was 34% cheaper than the planned $20 per lead.

I have not created campaigns from "0". I only regrouped some keywords into new groups and performed
support mainly:
- cleaned the traffic with a lot of negative keywords;
- changed match types of some keywords to "modifier plus" and "exact";
- refactored some groups so their texts and keywords were more relevant.

This allowed reducing the PPC budget by almost 2 times while keeping the number of leads the same.

PPC Lead Manager - Copywriting Studio

(April 2015 - May 2015)

A copywriting studio wanted to try PPC for proposing a free consultation and a paid course.

During 34 days we've got 12 leads per $6.91 each. It was more than 50% cheaper than the allowed $15
per lead.

I was focused on PPC only, with no changes to the website. During campaigns support I have been
working on:
- relevance between keywords, ad creatives and a landing page;
- high-quality ad creatives (texts, images);
- cleaning traffic with negative keywords.

This focus on relevancy allowed to bring cheap leads even without deep campaigns' optimization.

PPC Consultant - Resort Niche

(April 2015 - May 2015)

It was more an experiment: how cheap can be the price of leads in the resort niche?

Results: quickly growing traffic (2x, 3x on the 3rd week). The 3rd week brought 4 leads per $1,16 each.
That was 70% cheaper than planned.

The client wanted a Display Network campaign only. The maximum CPC had to be $0,04; cost per lead
(CPL) - $3,90. The daily number of leads - at least 100.

The marketing funnel was simple: drive traffic to a landing page - subscribe to a free consultation - offer
paid resort service.

I did not change a website, using only texts from a landing page in ads creatives.
PPC Consultant - Online Education

(February 2015 - March 2015)
(Youtube Marketing Course - Online education)

A client wanted subscribers for his free online course about Youtube marketing.

The allowed cost per lead (CPL) was $0,35. During 38 days we have got 169 subscribers per $0,21 each.
It was 40% cheaper than planned.

The client prepared very well: he had a quality adaptive website and relevant offers on landing pages.

I prepared PPC campaigns on Search and Display. In ads texts, I used materials from the landing page
only: offer, images. So ads were relevant to the landing page as much as possible.

After campaigns started, I supported them only by cleaning the traffic with negative key phrases. I never
touched a website.

After 2 weeks I made a big optimization:
- stopped ads that had spent 1.5-2 x allowed CPL with no leads;
- decreased CPC in ads with very expensive leads;
- slightly increased CPC in ads with cheap leads.

PPC Consultant - Fitness Courses

(January 2015 - March 2015)

A client wanted subscribers to his free online fitness course. The allowed cost per lead (CPL) was $1.

We have got 746 leads per $0,56 each for 41 days. It was 44% cheaper.

It happened a lot because the client has been doing his business very well. He consulted me about all
fitness nuances, so I could prepare a better PPC strategy.

I created 2 PPC campaigns: Search and Display. In total, they had 800 ads and worked very fast.

The traffic had good quality. Therefore I was only adding negative keywords and changing CPC so the
cost per lead was cheap.

PPC Lead Manager - Online Education

(November 2013 - March 2014)
(Online course about 3DS Max for the furniture)

A client wanted subscribers to a free online course about 3D Studio Max for furniture.
During 4,5 months we have got 506 leads per $0,84 each. That was 15,6% cheaper than the planned $1
per lead. The average conversion rate equalled 14,13%. It happened from PPC only, with no landing
page testing.

I created 2 PPC campaigns: for Search and Display Network. Ads texts have been written from the
landing page content.

- CTR increasing;
- CPC decreasing;
- the conversion rate kept stable at 13%-17%.

PPC Lead Manager - Online Education

(October 2013 - March 2014)

A client wanted subscriptions to a free DIY course about creating glass surfaces.

During 5 months we have got 1844 leads per $0,75 each. It was 25% cheaper than the planned cost per
lead (CPL) $1. The conversion rate was 11,54%.

I created 2 campaigns: Search and Display Network.

I was supporting PPC campaigns this way:
- updated CPC for each ad so the budget distributed evenly between them;
- added negative keywords to clean the traffic;
- restarted ads with CTR < 1%;
- tested ad texts;
- stopped ads that had no results.

Those actions allowed me to increase CTR, decrease CPC and get cheap leads.

Frontend Developer

(February 2013 - August 2013)
Worked as a remote independent contractor.

What was done:
- broke PSD layouts into UI components;
- coded UI components with HTML5 and CSS3/Sass according to BEM methodology;
- searched, customized and added client-side scripts (galleries, fancyboxes, popups etc);
- developed custom scripts in JavaScript and jQuery.

Executive Director

(April 2012 – October 2012)
Project management in the info business. Assisting with creating and launching new products and
technical support.


Google Analytics for beginners:
DigitalMarketer - Customer Acquisition Specialist:

Education (courses, seminars)

Igor Ivitsky - Setting up Web Analytics (
Igor Ivitsky - Finding Growth Points in Google Ads (
Igor Ivitsky - Google Ads Magic (
Digital Marketer - Napkin Challenge (How to work with cold markets).
Digital Marketer - DM Lab (
Digital Marketer - Copywriting Mastery Certification
SEO Academy - SEO Game (
Digital Marketer - Content Marketing Mastery
RichAdvert - Arbitrage Startup (
Digital Marketer - Paid Customer Acquisition Mastery
Isaac Rudansky - Ultimate Google Ads
Isaac Rudansky - How Retargeting Works (


Ukrainian - native.
English - upper-intermediate (write, read/listen, speak).
French - intermediate (write, read).
German – beginner.
Polish – beginner.

Additional information

I accept only remote and white-hat projects. If you need a specialist in an office or grey/black niches,
please look for another one.

Open to travels abroad.
Self-learner (you pay for the work only).

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