
Contract execution manager (logistic), 30 000 UAH

53 years

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Work experience

Inland Execution Specialist

from 05.2022 to 02.2023 (9 months)
«Prime Trading» SP. z o.o. (Prime Trading LLC), Київ (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

Control & accounting of purchases, transportation and sales of the goods. Daily status reporting. Quality control and bonification (calculation of discounts)

Deputy Director for Operations

from 11.2021 to 02.2022 (3 months)
“UDG-Trading” LLC. (UkrDniproGaz), Київ (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

Planning, regulation, accounting, control of all operations related to the purchase, sale, movement of goods and financial settlements

Manager foreign trade activity

from 03.2019 to 05.2020 (1 year 2 months)
“Mimier Trade Ukraine” LLC. (Mimier Trade S.A. Switzerland), Київ (Оптова торгівля, дистрибуція, імпорт, експорт)

Negotiation of the terms, conclusion and execution of contracts. Documentary support of supplies, regulation of the movement of goods and control of payments. Goods: EK-10 grain/meal/vegoil, IM-40 exclusive lumber/construction accessories.

Execution manager-logistic

from 11.2002 to 04.2018 (15 years 5 months)
“Souffle / New World Grain Ukraine” LLC. (Group Soufflet. France)., Київ (Сільське господарство, агробізнес)

Execution of the sale & purchase contracts. Negotiation and conclusion of contracts with companies & agencies for grain storage inland silos, transportation to port by railway & truck, transshipment at port, port forwarding (certification and custom clearance), survey & fumigation. Tracing & keeping records of the goods in Excel/SyBase. Control of fulfillment status, document flow and payments. Monthly inventory of the stocks at terminal & silos. Successful implementation of NWGU certification in accordance with ISCC rules.

Chartering manager

from 09.2001 to 11.2002 (1 year 2 months)
“Mironovskiy Khleboproduct” CJSC. (well-known as TM “Nasha Ryaba”), Київ (Сільське господарство, агробізнес)

Chartering/fixing dry bulk cargo vessels. Negotiation contract of affreightment and conclusion of the charter party (SYNACOMEX-90 & GENCON-74). Planning, organization and control of cargo supply to the port/dock. Control loading of the vessel. Checking of ship’s document, laytime and demurrage-dispatch calculation

Manager of Kiev branch office

from 01.1999 to 03.2001 (2 years 2 months)
“Sisamtrans” Ltd. (SISAMTRANS S.r.l. Italy), Київ (Транспорт, логістика)

Liner agency for: Evergreen Marine Corp. (Taiwan) and Lloyd Triestino di Navigazione (Italy). Conclusion of the transportation contracts & additional agreements. Organization of marine and intermodal container transportation (door-to-door), sales and marketing. Administrative management

Sales manager

from 12.1997 to 12.1998 (1 year)
“FORMAG” Ltd. (Forward Marine Agency), Київ (Транспорт, логістика)

Liner agency for: Blue Container Line (Greece) and United Arab Shipping Co. (U.A.E.). Organization of marine and intermodal container transportation (door-to-door), sales and marketing


from 07.1997 to 12.1997 (5 months)
“Kievzovnishtrans” JSC., Київ (Транспорт, логістика)

Organization of marine and intermodal transportation, sales & marketing

Forwarding manager

from 02.1997 to 06.1997 (4 months)
“TransOil” JV Ltd, Одеса (Транспорт, логістика)

Organization & control of railway shipments from local silos (warehouse) to ports or to boarder (FCA/CPT/DAF), full service from booking of rail cars and preparation of all necessary shipping documents (in state regulating offices) to custom clearance


from 09.1996 to 02.1997 (5 months)
“ISOD” JV Ltd, Одеса (Транспорт, логістика)

Draft survey of the vessels, inspection of the holds of the vessel, sampling of the goods/grain.

Able seaman on the vessel

from 03.1989 to 05.1989 (2 months)
“River port” JSC, Волгоград (Транспорт, логістика)

M/v “Rocket - 40” crew - as per list of vessel staff members


State Marine University

Shipping Management Department. Specialty: Organization of transportation and shipping management., Одеса
Higher, from 1991 to 1996 (5 years)

River College

River Navigation Department. Specialty: Navigation officer, Волгоград
Specialized secondary, from 1987 to 1989 (2 years)

diploma with honor

Additional education and certificates

International House Kiev - English language

2002, 6 місяців

Knowledge and skills

  • PC User
  • Міжнародна логістика
  • MS Excel
  • Англ. Pre-intermediate (+ морская и бизнес корреспонденция). MS

Language proficiencies

English — average

Additional information

Pre-intermediate in English (+ good in marine, business correspondence). Microsoft office. INCOTERMS-2020 + new edition, BIMCO-CP contrs., basic knowledge of GAFTA, FOSFA, INCOGRAIN, PORAM trading rules. Received good practice in LC (UCP-600 rules) & CAD. Account: prefer Excel, 1С8, Sybase, SAP. Software & E-platforms: Customs - MD Office, QDPro; Railway - TM card; Auto - Lardi-Trans, Della; Marine - Marine Traffic, ShipFix, ShipNext, Sea.Live. ISCC terms and calculation CO2 emissions by BioGrace program (within growing and transportation of grain). Accurate in flow of documentation (incl. E-DOCS), attentive to details, good communication skills.

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