
This job seeker decided to hide his personal information and contact info, but you can send a message to him or suggest a job to him.

Програміст 1C


Contact information

The candidate did not provide an email and phone number, but you will be able to contact them from the candidate’s page on the website. The candidate will then receive a notification in the notification center.

Name, contacts and photo are only available to registered employers. To access the candidates' personal information, log in as an employer or sign up.

Work experience

Програміст 1С

from 03.2019 to now (5 years 6 months)
GS Group, Одеса (1С Франчайзінг)


Національний університет "Одеська політехніка"

Комп'ютерні науки, управління IT-проектами, Одеса
Higher, from 2014 to 2020 (6 years)

Additional education and certificates

Сертифікати "1С:Професіонал" з Бухгалтерії, УНФ, ЗУП


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