
Переводчик (англ. , нем. )

40 years

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Personal details
Name: Olyana Levchuk
Date of birth: September 29 1983
Nationality: Ukrainian
Address: 5 Revutskogo St., Apt. 235
Kyiv 02091
Home telephone: 5627055
Mobile telephone: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
E-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Objective: looking for a position in a foreign company where the good knowledge of English and German is required and with a possibility of career development
2005-2006 Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko
Master of Arts in the English Language (German as the second language)
2004-2005 Kyiv Institute for Humanities
Specialist of Arts in the English Language (German as the second language)
2000-2004Kyiv Institute for Humanities
Bachelor of Arts in the English Language (German as the second language)
1994-2000 Chortkiv Gymnasium for Humanities
1989-1994 Elementary School

Professional Experience
•Translation of texts of various types (English-Ukrainian, Ukrainian –English)
•Interpreted business negotiations, court hearings in the process of child adoption (English-Russian, Russian-English)
•Private classes of English and German
•Work in Telehaus tourist agency as a guide in Kyiv with English-speaking tourists from different countries of the world
Ukrainian and Russian – mother tongues
English – excellent
German – good
Practical knowledge: Internet, PC User (Microsoft Office 2005)
Personal qualities
Sociable, hard-working, diligent, diplomatic, have ability to learn quickly
Reading, cinema, music, embroidery


Особисті дані
Прізвище, ім’я, по-батькові: Левчук Оляна Вікторівна
Дата народження: 29 вересня 1983 р.
Національність: українка
Адреса: м. Київ 02091
вул. Ревуцького 5, кв. 235
Телефон домашній: 562-70-55
Телефон мобільний: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
E-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Ціль: шукаю роботу в іноземній компанії з перспективою кар’єрного зросту

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