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UI/UX designer (junior)


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Junior UX/UI Designer

Phone number: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Dare IT, UI design challenge: 

E-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) august 2022-september 2022; certificate
Behance: oksanakharkova Yan Ageenko school of design, course:

august 2022; certificate
Dribbble: oksana_kharkova
TeamDeploy, project work: 

Linkedin: Oksana Kharkova may 2022-august 2022; UI designer
Telegram: @o_kharkova
SHENDRICOV Education, course: 

Located: Vinnytsia, Ukraine october 2021-january 2022; certificate
PROFILE WAY UP, marathon:

september 2021; diploma
I’m a responsible and self-motivate
person and I'm looking for a job as an SKILLS
UX/UI designer and open to offers. Wireframes; Prototypes; User Flow; Landing
I’m an eager learner who is always pages; E-commerce; Adaptive design; Mobile
expanding their skill set to push my app design
work above and beyond. I have an
experience working in Figma and SOFTS
Photoshop. I have good visual design
skills: understand the place and Figma; Sketch; Adobe Photoshop; Miro
purpose of interface elements and
main principles of design. I pay LANGUAGES
attention to details and have an Ukrainian: native
aesthetic taste. I'm good at hearing
and implementing feedback. I have English: upper independent
an experience to design interfaces German: basic
for desktops, mobile devices, tablets Russian: fluent
and mobile apps.

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