

36 years

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Additional information

Alexander Sergeyevich Dyachenko

Phone (mobile): [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
e-mail: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section), [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Skype: system_notifier
Date of Birth: 08/08/1988, (22 years)
Residence: Vinnitsa

• 2009. - 2010. - Poltava National Technical University. Speciality - "Information" (Інформатика); qualification - information-programmer (інформатик-програміст).
• 2005. - 2009. - Poltava National Technical University. Speciality - Applied Mathematics (Прикладна математика); qualification - Bachelor of Applied Mathematics (бакалавр з прикладної математики).

• February 2008. - June 2008. - Poltava National Technical University. Computer operator of the center of information technology.
• August 2010. - October 2010 - "СФГ Оріон". Computer operator.

Additional Information:
• know and work with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, have an experience of PHP+MYSQL, CMS (Joomla).
• at a basic level know programming languages C++, Pascal (Delphi), Basic etc. I have some experience of scripting programming language, bat-files and so on.
• possesses mathematical tools, capable to build and programm algorithms.
• Advanced user Windows, a regular user of Internet.

• English: reading technical documents, etc.

Professional skills:
• quick study, persistent
• diligent, responsible
• No bad habits

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