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Front-end програміст

25 years
City of residence:
Ready to work:
Kyiv, Remote

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Mykola Stoian
15.06.1999 Kyiv
mobile: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
email: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)

Front-End Developer
At the moment, more than a year and a half of practice as a frontend developer,
and I have already done several projects for the purpose of training and still
improving my skills.
I have a strong and persistent desire to develop my skills, learn cutting edge
technologies, create a high quality product that I can be proud of and bene t
both clients and the employer.
As a person, I am responsible, communicative and self-motivated. Also, do not
worry about onboarding process, I am a good team player with a good sense of

Programming language - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP (basics), Node.js (basics)
Frameworks - ReactJS, Redux
Others - Git, npm, Bootstrap, SCSS, WebPack, Figma, MongoDB(basics), jQuery
GraphQL (basics), AJAX, Next.js (basics)

Web Tra c Agency (HTML, CSS, jQuery, JS, PHP): 2021-2022
- Work with creating a web page;
- work with creating a layout for a web page;
- work with web page hosting;
- working with API.
Minimum inc (ReactJS, SCSS, GraphQL, Next.js): 2022-2023
-Work with creating a web page;
-work with troubleshoot issues and solving problems;
-work with creating functional components;
-work with user interfaces

State University of Telecommunications 2016-2020 Department of Software
Engineering ( Bachelor degree )
State University of Telecommunications 2020-2022 Department of Software
Engineering ( Master’s degree )

Extra Education
Web Academy 2019 Course Front-End Developer

Additional Information
- English - Intermediate;
- Ukrainian - Native;
When I have а free time, I usually trying to improve my own knowledge about
ReactJS/NodeJS and JavaScript. GitHub.

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