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Керівник ІТ-проєктів

66 years

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Vladimir Minakov
Full Stack Developer
I have transitioned into a full-stack development role after spending my entire career on the other side of
the barricades, managing and assigning tasks to developers. I have led the creation of two payment
systems and worked on projects involving AI technologies for facial recognition.
Now, I am eager to actively participate in exciting projects as a hands-on contributor. I believe my
experience will be valuable to your company.
I like to implement bright ideas. Hobbies: photo and independent travel. Visited more than 50 countries.
More psychology, sport fishing and cacti.

Contacts Project Experience
Books [HTML, SASS, JS, Handlebars, REST API, AJAX, Parcel] GitHub Link
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) A website with a responsive layout. Role: developer.

[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Filmoteka [React, Redux, Axios, JS, REST API, Parcel] GitHub Link
Application for choosing a movie. Role: developer.
IceCream [Parcel, SCSS, JS] GitHub Link
Ice company website with responsive layout, burger menu, modal window and
GitHub attractivedesign. Role: developer.

Kyiv, Ukraine Drink Master [React, Redux, Axios, JS, REST API, Node.js] GitHub Link
Application for coctails. Role: developer.

Work Experience
Tech Skills
National investment platform «DOVIRA» 2022 - 2023
HTML5, Sass(SCSS), CSS3 Chief Executive Officer
Description and automationof business processes of the enterprise.
Genesis Smart Security 2019 - 2022
React, React Native
CTO, Founder
PM of the project to create a high-load facial recognition system based on AI.
Express, Webpack Creation of face recognition software for banks and financial companies.
Implementation and operation in the shopping center METRO and EPICENTER.
Git, Trello, Jira

Photoshop, Figma
Electrum payment system 2016 - 2023

Head of Business Development Department
Python, Pandas, Numpy
Projects related to electronic money and data analysis.
Machine Leaning, Deep Learning
Financial company "GlobalMoney" 2010 - 2014
LLM models Head of Development Department
Work on projects to create software for self-service machines.
Soft Skills VISA GlobalMoney projects and Visa GlobalMoney Virtual Card.
TSM for Service Provider and a number of others related to the GlobalMoney
Analytical electronic money system.

National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI" 1975 - 1980
Critical thinking
Faculty of Electronic Engineering, specialty Electronic Devices and Appliances.
Data extrapolation 1985
National Technical University of Ukraine "KPI"
Defense PhD in the field of "Modeling of microwave field transistors by the particle
Languages method."(MonteCarlomethod).
Mail. Ru
Machine Learning course. 118th result out of 7000 participants.
English - Upper-Intermediate
Stanford Course CS231n 2018
Ukrainian - Native Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition
Russian - Native Stepik 2017
GO-IT 2022 - 2023
Full Stack Developer

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