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Andrey Levko

Executive Summary

● I have about 3,5 years of experience as a DevOps engineer. During this time, I
worked with AWS cloud and its services(сreation of infrastructure using Ansible
playbooks according to customer requirements.), Google Cloud. I have experience
working with web servers (Linux/Unix), setting up and configuring, and solving issues.
Worked with different technologies such as Terraform, Ansible, Gitlab CI/CD, Docker,
Docker-compose, monitoring systems, MySQL DB, MariaDB, MongoDB, writing bash
scripts, JavaScript, and SQL query
● I am always open to new things and accept the challenges with interest and
enthusiasm. I have excellent skills in problem-solving. I am open-minded and
goal-oriented. I have an active teamwork attitude and quick learning ability.
● Proactive and self-motivated team member, not conflict and open-minded person,
always willing to help my colleagues and open to new knowledge. Striving to increase
my skills, I would like to work with a strong professional team.

My Personal Informations:
Address: Vinnitsa, Ukraine
Date of birth: 26 November 1990
Phone: [open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
Telegram account: https://t.me/Andrew_hopkils

Technical Skills

Skill Category Skill List
Programming Languages Bash, Python
Technologies Ansible, Bash script, SQL, Node.js, npm, HTTP and HTTP
RDBMS MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle
IaC Ansible, Terraform
Operating Systems Linux/Unix
Development Tools Visual Studio Code, Intellij IDEA, Vim and terminal (Linux
CI/CD Ansible, Gitlab, Github
Cloud AWS, GCP


Certification Category Certification Grade/Remarks
2016 - 2017 Web – programming and web – design
Foreign Language Skills

Language Written Spoken
English intermediate intermediate

Training Programs
Program Name: Web – programming and web – design
Date(s) Attended: 2016 - 2017
Status: Completed

Institution: Vinnitsa national technical university
Date(s) Attended: 2008 - 2013
Qualification(s): Department of Telecommunications

Professional Experience

Company: Freelance
Duration: 2022
Role: DevOps
Responsibilities: ● Working from client requests
● Creating some automatization for deployment Infrastructure
and Configurations
Technologies: I worked with such tools as Ansible, Terraform, Bash scripts, GitHub,
a little python cloud google

Company: SoftServe
Duration: 2021 - 2022
Role: DevOps
Responsibilities: ● Writing and maintaining ansible roles and terraform code for
configuring and transferring data, databases, as well as
creating cluster infrastructure from the data center to the
Google cloud. I was also involved in the development of
automation of this code.
Technologies: I worked with such tools as Ansible, Terraform, Bash scripts, GitHub,
a little python cloud google
Company: TogetherNetwork
Duration: 2019 - 2021
Role: DevOps
Responsibilities: ● Maintenance of AWS cloud services.
● Writing Docker files, docker-compose.yml, and bash scripts
to run and build Docker images and containers.
● Deploying applications on instances with the help of Gitlab
● Setup of the monitoring system.
● Creating instances and load balancer via Terraform.
● Setting up the hosted zone. Migration of web servers.
Technologies: Working with Jenkins, Kafka (including the creation of Kafka topics,
appointing roles).

Company: Onseo
Duration: 2018 - 2019
Role: Technical Support Engineer
Responsibilities: ● Remote maintenance and technical support of Linux
● Communication with customers via Skype and email.
● Writing MySQL queries and optimizing them
Technologies: Working with AWS cloud services, MongoDB, MySQL

Company: Vimmi
Duration: 2017 - 2018
Role: Technical Support Engineer
Responsibilities: ● Remote maintenance and technical support of Linux
● Monitoring servers and elimination of critical metrics on
● Communication with customers in Slack and the ticket
● Investigation of technical issues on requests of the customer
● Writing Bash scripts, SQL requests, and occasionally
created small API on JS
● Wrote Bash scripts that:
- tracked the number of services and killed multiple
processes of the same service.
- cleaned disk space from old logs
● Wrote a MySQL query, that selects multiple tables and
counts the number of incoming and outgoing network traffic.
Technologies: MySQL, Varnish, Apache2, Nginx etc
Company: Akcentr
Duration: 2015 - 2017
Role: System Administrator
Responsibilities: ● Maintenance of Windows servers, databases and 1C.
● Troubleshooting networks, PCs, laptops, video surveillance
systems, and DB.
● Maintenance of Linux servers.
● Maintenance of the Linux server that hosted the online
● store site.
● Also, duties included work with the site - adding adaptability,
some animations on JS or jQuery, etc.
Technologies: HTML, CSS3, JS and jQuery.

Company: Data call
Duration: 2013 – 2015
Role: System Administrator
Responsibilities: ● Maintenance of Linux/Unix servers and databases.
● Installing and configuring Linux images on laptops and
creating clients.
● Also network and network equipment maintenance

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