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Web developer

43 years

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Dmitriy Yaremenko
Junior Front End Developer
Hi all. I am a beginner programmer who is looking for a job in a
progressive company in order to improve my skills and develop in a
good team with an interesting project. I love and know how to work
in a team, I'm not afraid to take the initiative and bear responsibility
for it. I take criticism well in the work process and strive to improve
my skills. Open to interesting challenges and new solutions.
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section) Content-manager
Email "Fishing Paradise" internet-shop 2021 - until now
[open contact info](look above in the "contact info" section)
My main duties in this position are filling the site with content, creating
additional pages on the site (built on the basis of Majento 2.0) using Html
Odesa city. Ukraine.
and Css. SEO site optimization, category menu optimization based on
product balances. Creation of thematic content and placement in the
Education company's social networks. Audience and competitor analysis.
It School "Hillel" Achievements
Typescript It is probably difficult to attribute everything described below to
It School "Hillel" achievements, but I still managed to acquire certain soft skills. I have
experience in managing a relatively small team. Work with
Front End Pro documentation, drawings, as well as the development of a plan-strategy
in the media department. Working in different fields, I always tried to
It School "Hillel"
understand as best as possible what I was doing at that time. Very often I
2020 had to combine many different specialties and learn on the go, which was
Front End
never a problem for me.
It Academy "Step"

Html 5 My priorities
Css 3
Perhaps the most important qualities, I consider openness and honesty in
React/Redux people, which I myself try to adhere to. Punctuality and reliability are
Next.js also important to me as the basis of a trusting relationship. And perhaps
Typescript the most important rule that I try to follow is that work should be fun
Node.js and that's why I chose Web Development.

Language Hobby
Ukrainian-native Sports - I go to the gym regularly.
Russian-native Carpfishing - love a thoughtful approach to catching trophy fish.
Tourism - There is nothing better than discovering new places

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