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Резюме от 21 марта 2024 Файл


Інженер АСУ ТП

29 лет

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

Это резюме размещено в виде файла. Эта версия для быстрого просмотра может быть хуже, чем оригинал резюме.

Dmytro Soldatov
Control Engineer with 7 years of commercial experience

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») | 09.11.1994 | [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
• Languages: C++, C, VBA
• PLC Programming: Studio 5000 Logix, Unity PRO, Simatic STEP7 (TIA Portal)
• SCADA and HMI Development: FactoryTalk, Сitect SCADA (Plant SCADA), Vijeo Designer
• Industrial Communication Protocols (Modbus, Profibus, Ethernet/IP)
• Safety Standards and Regulations (OSHA, NFPA)
• Technical Documentation Developing

Languages: English (fluent), Polish, Ukrainian, Russian

Work Experience:
09.2016 - 08.2020, 06.2022– present – Automation Engineer, TeraWatt Group, Mariupol/Kyiv, Ukraine
(Industrial Automation Solutions, https://terawatt-group.com/)
• Software development for PLC using Studio 5000 Logix, Unity PRO, Simatic STEP7
• SCADA and HMI development using FactoryTalk, Сitect SCADA (Plant SCADA), Vijeo Designer
• Participated in system integration and deployment, collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure smooth implementation and functionality of automation systems.
• Conducted maintenance and troubleshooting of automation systems to ensure optimal performance and minimize downtime.
• Developed and improved technical documentation, including manuals, procedures, and specifications, to facilitate efficient troubleshooting and system understanding.
• Conducted trainings for operators and maintenance personnel, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively operate and maintain automation systems.

• 08.2020 – 02.2022 – 1st category Automation Engineer, PJSC Azovstal, Mariupol, Ukraine
(Metallurgical Enterprise, https://azovstal.metinvestholding.com/)
• Conducted maintenance and repair of automation systems to ensure continuous operation and minimize downtime.
• Executed preventive maintenance tasks, including equipment calibration and routine inspections, to maintain optimal functionality and prevent potential failures.
• Performed troubleshooting and diagnosed faults in control systems, utilizing technical expertise to identify and resolve issues promptly.

• BSc and MSc in Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies, Priazovskiy State Technical University, Mariupol, Ukraine

References Available Upon Request

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