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Резюме от 23 января 2024 Файл


Front-end програміст

36 лет

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Roman Tkachuk
Fullstack Developer
I am a TypeScript/JavaScript developer with experience working in a development
team using the Angular framework. Thanks to successful collaboration in a team
environment, I have demonstrated high efficiency and the ability to take initiative in
solving tasks. My responsibilities included implementing new functionality and
improving existing features under the guidance of experienced colleagues, as well as
maintaining constant communication with backend developers and designers.

I have a higher education in the field of Telecommunications and Technology. My
interest in modern technologies has evolved from working as an installer of
Location: automatic irrigation systems to becoming the head of the engineering department in
Warsaw and remote a landscaping company. Subsequently, I founded my own company specializing in
the design, installation, and maintenance of irrigation systems.
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Possessing advanced organizational skills and project management experience, I
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
have successfully presented and sold products. I have excellent communication
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
skills, enabling effective communication with clients and team members. I am
skilled in prioritizing, distributing, and decomposing tasks and plans. My qualities
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
include punctuality, balance, and openness in communication.
Tech Skills: I believe continuous development is the key to effective work in the field of
TypeScript/JavaScript information technology. I am always open to new challenges and ready to contribute
Frontend: Angular/React to projects where opportunities for learning and growth are boundless. My passion
Backend: Node/Expres for technologies and innovations motivates me to implement new ideas in my work. I
HTML5 eagerly anticipate the opportunity to bring my skills and experience to your team and
CSS3/SASS/BEM/Tailwind collaborate on tasks to achieve success in the field of development.
OOP/SOLID I am ready to relocate.
Work experience:
Figma/Adobe Photoshop
"Andersen" - Software Development Company
Responsive/adaptive web design
10/2022 - 8/2023 | Angular developer trainee ↣ junior
Implementation of new and improved functionality for the banking application.
Close collaboration with the team in solving tasks.
Optimization of loading, replacing PNG format with SVG using sprites and color
Language Skills: management with CSS, replacing JPG with WebP.
English - B-2 Suggested and added accessibility to the application; the accessibility level of the
Polish - B-2 application has increased to AA+.
Ukrainian - C-2 Transition to a new version of the framework from Angular v15 to Angular v16.
Russian - C-2 Introduction of multilingualism into the project.
Soft Skills: Writing tests for new and existing functionality.
Efficient communicator Smart Garden
Good at collaboration 9/2009 - 11/2021 | Engineer ↣ Director
Time-management Installation of automatic irrigation systems, repair and maintenance of systems
Creativity Creation of a plan of the site, creation of construction drawings
Problem solving Creating a 3-d model of the site, development of projects in CAD KOMPAS 3D
Stress tolerance Meetings and negotiations with customers, purchase of equipment, delivery of
Hobbies: objects
Programming Education:
Modern technologies "Andersen" - Software Development Company
Automation system 9/2022 - 10/2022 | Trainee
Guitar Angular Framework intensive
Volleyball new skills: TypeScript, Angular framework, Firebase, REST API, Using Jira, Trello
Walks and traveling improved: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, GitHub/Git-flow, Agil, Scrum
"GoIT" - IT courses platform
11/2021 - 8/2022 | Intern-developer
Fullstack JavaScript developer
new skills: SASS, BEM, RWD/AWD, OOP/SOLID, JavaScript ES6, ReactJS, Node.JS
improved: HTML, CSS
National Aerospace University М.E. Zhukovsky 'KHАІ'
9/2004 - 7/2009 | Specialist
Technologies and means of telecommunications, qualified as a specialist in
electronics and telecommunications

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