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Theatre director and acting teacher, screenwriter
Viktoriia Filonchuk
Date of birth: 30th of March, 1984
Country, city of residence:: Ukraine. Kyiv.
Email: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
mobile phone: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
FB: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

Made performances in Kyiv, Kherson and Chernigiv theatres. In 2016 was one of the finalists in Taking The
Stage competition for young directors organized by British Council in Ukraine. Works with teens more than 10
years as acting teacher.

2020 - Online course of screenwriting and storytelling organized by LITOSVITA
2014 - Kyiv National University of Theatre, Cinema and Television, Theatre Faculty, specialization “Stage directing”,
Assistant Courses (post-graduating education)
2004-2009 - Kyiv National University of Theatre, Cinema and Television, Theatre Faculty, specialization “Stage
2001-2004 – full-time education, 2004-2006 – distance learning - Kherson State University, Institute of Foreign
Philology, specialization “English language and foreign literature”.

Employment History :

2019 till work at Kyiv Academic Puppet Theatre

2011 till school№23 (Kyiv), Theatre Class, teacher.

2018 «At 8 p.m. near the ark”, tale for children in Chernigiv Academic Theatre.

2016 participation in contest Taking the Stage organized by British Council, performance
“Gods are fallen and the safety gone” in 2017 in Chernigiv Academic Theatre.

2015 «Palms under snow» Documentary play. Collaboration with public organization

2013-2017 Kyiv National University of Theatre, Cinema and Television, acting coach.

2012 “Sandbox” by M.Walszhak, Chernigiv Academic Theatre.
performance “Conversation that never happened” by R.Biletskiy, “Suziria” Theatre.

2009-2011 Kyiv Academic Theatre for Children and Youth, literary and technical assistant of chief
2010 “Upside down” by K. Dragunskaia (new reduction), which was nominated in 2011for
“Kyivska pectoral” award, (in nomination “best performance for children”)

2009 tale for children “Upside down” by K. Dragunskaia, Kherson Academic Theatre

2008 diploma performance “Little prince” by A. de S.-Exupery, Kherson Academic Theatre.

Festival activity:

September won scholarship from ETC for visiting Georgian Showcase on Tbilisi International Festival of
2016 Theatre.

October i.hlava International Documentary Film Festival - participated as visitor and student

2013 participation in Ukrainian Festival of Young Directors (“Sandbox”)

Languages Ukrainian, Russian, English

Interests: art, screenwriting, travelling, psychology, personal development

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