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Резюме от 25 октября 2023 Файл


Content editor

33 года

Контактная информация

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Victoria Sydorenko

Kyiv, Ukraine
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Work History

Reception Administrator
Kyiv International School/Quality Schools International

Sep 2020-Current

Delegate tasks to administrative support staff to organize and advance office efficiency. Resolve issues through active listening and questioning, escalating major problems to the manager. Organize environments, materials and catering support for meetings. Manage supervisor itinerary and appointments for streamlining scheduling procedures. Oversee appointment scheduling and itinerary monitoring for both clients and personnel. Supervise front areas so that questions could be promptly addressed. Arrange meetings for executives and coordinated availability of conference rooms for participants.


Aug 2017 - Current

Academic writing, curriculum writing, blog writing( health and lifestyle, digital marketing, IT, education) , creative writing, rewriting, product descriptions, proofreading, editing, reviews writing, short fiction stories for educational and entertaining purposes, script-writing for the youth theater.

• Produce original, creative content for promotional advertisements and marketing materials.
• Format copy to align with project-specific guidelines.
• Select top-quality photos and videos to adorn written copy.
• Review and edit final copy for accuracy and to correct grammar errors.
• Provide editorial guidance to facilitate delivery of high-quality content.
• Present clients with unique copy options based on required marketing objectives.
• Engage into a lot of research to achieve a planning goal.

Intensive English Teacher
Kyiv International School/Quality Schools International

Sep 2013 - Jun 2020

Intensive English Teacher for the Middle school students. My major task was to make sure that all ESL students acquire enough fluency in English ( reading, writing, speaking, aligned to Common Core standards) to easily function in the regular classrooms since all the subjects are conducted in English by native English speakers. I had to align my teaching with a curriculum provided to me. However, it was up to me what methods, tasks,and techniques to implement for the goals to be achieved.

Working in the position of intensive English teacher, I got to go through an amazing experience of teaching English to the kids who joined the international school with the level of English close to zero. Seeing their progress and how they grow, being ready to transit to the regular class was such a rewarding part of my job being done.

Teacher of English for IT Specialists
IT-English School

Jan 2016 - Aug 2018

I was teaching English to IT specialists. Creating tasks and activities, I aimed at making every student, notwithstanding the exact specialization, have a chance to enhance their professional vocabulary alongside grammar for correct practical implementation of words learned. The theory got underpinned by practice, big-time. I created and implemented performance improvement strategies and plans to promote continuous growth. I always aimed at resolving problems, improving operations and providing exceptional service. I used Microsoft Excel for creating spreadsheets for daily, weekly and monthly reporting.


• Database administration
• Strategic planning
• Presentation design
• Documentation and control
• Scheduling
• Staff management
• Problem-solving
• Excellent Communication
• Unique content creation
• Brand messaging
• Editing and review
• Translating
• MLA style
• Storytelling
• Social media content
• American English expert
• Bilingual English/Spanish
• Extensive English grammar knowledge
• Teacher support


Kyiv National Linguistic University, Department of German Philology

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