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Резюме от 17 июня 2024 Файл


UI/UX designer

19 лет
Город проживания:
Готов работать:

Контактная информация

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Загруженный файл

Версия для быстрого просмотра

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Creative and motivated UI/UX designer with 1 years of experience in
developing intuitive and appealing interfaces for web and mobile
applications. Possess deep knowledge in user experience and
interface design, as well as experience in conducting user research
and testing. Excellent team player with strong communication and
problem-solving skills.

Anna Taranenko Employment history
UI/UX Designer
UI/UX Designer ( full-time )
Noname Digital Jan. 2024 - Present
Info Improved:

- Solo Project: Developed a complete project independently.

- UI Kit: Created a comprehensive UI Kit for consistent design.

Kropyvnytskyi, UA
- Adaptive Design: Implemented designs for various devices.

Phone - Guidelines: Established design guidelines for better user experience.

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») Created:

Email - Designed UI for iOS/Android apps.

[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация») - Created designs for Healthcare, Edtech, and Foodtech apps.

UI/UX Designer ( part-time )
Digitalthings July. 2023 - Oct. 2023

LinkedIn - Interaction with Developers and Clients

- Auto Layout: Utilized auto layout for automatic element arrangement.

- Colour System: Developed a colour system to ensure design consistency.

- WCAG: Adhered to WCAG standards to ensure accessibility.


- Designed for iOS/Android apps.

- Conducted redesigns.

UX research - Developed an Edtech app.

Wireframing UI/UX Designer ( part-time )

Prototype Polonskiy team May 2023. - July. 2023

Usability testing Improved:

- Prototype: Developed interactive prototypes to visualize design concepts.

Infirmation architecture
- Wireframe: Created detailed wireframes to outline structure and functionality.

Interaction design - UX Research: Conducted UX research to understand user needs and behaviors.

Figma - User Flow: Designed user flows to optimize user journeys.

Adobe Photoshop Created:

- Created a landing page.

- Designed a Foodtech app.

- Developed a multi-page website.

Native Vinnychenko Central Ukrainian State University
Engish History and law Sep. 2021 - Present
Polish User experience design Apr. 2024

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