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Junior DevOps engineer (SysOps, support L2)

39 лет

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Oleksii Shcherbyna
Junior DevOps Engineer

Kyiv, Ukraine
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
[открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)
Telegram: @Quix_us
LinkedIn: [открыть контакты](см. выше в блоке «контактная информация»)

A highly motivated and adaptable Junior DevOps Engineer, I am
eager to contribute my technical skills and passion for automation -​ Attentiveness
and collaboration in a dynamic team environment. I hold a strong ​- Creativity
foundation in key DevOps concepts, such as version control, ​- The ability to bring the
continuous integration, and containerization. My proactive approach task to the end
to problem-solving, coupled with my strong communication and ​- Diligence
teamwork abilities, positions me as a valuable asset for ​- Expert approach to the
organizations looking to enhance their DevOps practices. I am task
committed to continuous learning and growth in this field. ​- Ability to quickly learn
Experience with Linux for more than 3 years, unofficial since 2009. new knowledge and
I am studying such technologies: Terraform, Ansible, Packer, CI/CD, practice it

Agile, Linux, Kubernetes, AWS, Docker.

- Confident team player
- High critical intelligence
- Positive thinking
- Confidence in oneself
“Pine Software Technologies”
and one's actions
- High level of
● Kibana Elasticsearch debugging, logging
● Grafana, Prometheus network monitoring, services
● Terraform version control, deploy
● GitLab repositories
● Consul, Nomad configs, start, stop job, logging, error
detection, correction.
● Interaction with the programming team LANGUAGES
● Internal ticketing system, error detection, logging (stock
exchange) - Ukrainian - native
● Writing technical documentation - Russian - fluent
● Updating of environments according to tasks - English – Pre-Intermediate
(additional lessons with a
tutor, B1).
“GigaCloud” LLC
Position: Technical support engineer L-2.
Nov 2022 – April 2024
● Information technologies, development, and provision of
cloud services (IaaS, SaaS, PaaS, VDI, hosting), consulting and
technical support. Segment: B2B.
● Interaction with customers and prompt response to the
problem, full consultation.
● Installation and configuration of Zimbra, Nextcloud, AD, DNS,
● Installing and configuring Linux
● Working in the OpenStack CLI
● Migration of VMs to the cloud and on “ground”, etc.
● Installation of VestaCP, Hestia, Fast Panel, CyberPanel, cPanel
and initial setup.
● Site migration or deployment and basic troubleshooting.
● E-Cloud creation and configuration of vApp
● Veeam
● VMWare
● OpenStack (CLI)
● Firewall (UFW etc.), Iptables, snat, dnat, VPN (L2TP,
● Windows (2012-2022, RDP etc.), Linux (Debian, Ubuntu,
CentOS, Oracle OS etc.)
● Migration VMWare availability, ovftools etc
● LAMP (Nginx)
● Zimbra
● Let’s Encrypt

“Delta Host” LLC
Position: IT Technical Support Engineer, Helpdesk
(Sysadmin Linux, Windows Server), Kyiv
Aug 2020 – Nov 2022
● Software installation, FTP, NS, AD, Email, Hosting Panel
settings Windows Server, Linux, TCP/IP, Ethernet, Telnet,
● Site settings, backup, etc. Installation of servers in the
Data Center (replacement of components).
● Firewall (UFW etc.), Iptables, snat, dnat, VPN (L2TP,
● Windows (2012-2022), Linux (Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, Oracle
OS etc.)
● LAMP (Nginx)
Position: Software engineer
Jul 2014 – Aug 2018
● Expanding the office infrastructure, maintaining the
efficiency of office equipment. Server monitoring, etc.
● Consultation of company users.
● Setting up AD, VPN, Router, LAN, SMTP, RDP Windows XP, 7,
8, 10, 2008R2-2022. Purchase of computer components,
● Installing software, setting up a Windows, Ubuntu, etc.

Webmaster – programming (PHP), configuration, installation,
support, content of the corporate website (Full support). Familiar
with such platforms as Joomla, WordPress, Opencart, Bitrix, etc.
Basic knowledge of Photoshop, SolidWorks.

LLC “Alan Company LTD”
Position: Design engineer

Jul 2013 – Jul 2014
● Drawing aircraft interior elements, creating aircraft interiors
in the SolidWorks program – Sketches, dimensioning,
drawings (ED, KD, MD).

“Eva” LLC
Position: typewriter.
Sep 2012 – Oct 2013
Layout of sites from scratch (html5, (table, div), css3). Adjustments to
existing platforms.

● Installation on the site engine;
● Cutting in Photoshop;
● Filling with content.
● HTML, CSS3, Photoshop


National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv –
bachelor's degree.
Faculty: “Automation of computer systems”.

Engineer of computer-integrated systems

Learning Terraform
Cert Prep: LPIC-1 Exam 101 (Version 5.0)
Cert Prep LPIC-1 Exam 102 (Version 5.0)
DevOps Foundations

▪️ Linux Server Management and Security
13 hours

Learned material:
● Networking on Linux
● Adding Users
● Securing Users
● Access Control
● Working with other systems
● SELinux
● Linux Security
● Software firewalls
● Services within Linux
● Groups, cgroup
● Systemd, PID, timer, unit

▪️ Fundamentals of Red Hat Enterprise Linux
20 hours

Learned material:
● Access the command line.
● Manage files from the command line.
● Manage local Linux users and groups.
● Monitor and manage Linux processes.

▪️ Linux Cloud and DevOps
12 hours

Learned material:
● Virtual Machine
● Version Control
● Hypervisor
● Use Case

▪️ SQL for Data Science
14 hours

Learned material:
● Data Science
● Data Analysis
● SQLite
● Identify a subset of data needed from a column or set
● of columns and write a SQL query to limit those results.

▪️ Hillel IT DevOps course (Terraform, Ansible, Packer, CI/CD, Agile,
Linux, Kubernetes, AWS, Docker)

August 2023
️Foxminded Golang Dev course The Go Programming

Language Nov 2024 - present
ACADEMY - EITC/IS/LSA Linux System Administration Feb 2024

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